XV - Let it last for a bit longer

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We made it to the hotel lobby while i was on phone with Elle.
,, okay so that is settled, you have a bonus performance on the semifinals, the performance is at the end of the show so be ready okay.."
,, i'll be singing drivers license, since that's my most famous song right?"
,, i was thinking Happier but that's okay too"
,, okayy, we'll have to performance practices tomorrow then"
,, yup now go her some sleep bitch" she said making me laugh as she hangs up.

I turned around to Damiano not realizing we were in the lift already.
,, omg we are so quick" i said.
,, i can't wait to sleep " he said with a tired voice while hugging me from behind and snuggling into my neck knowing that tickles me.
,, if someone told me that you'd be sleeping with me all cuddled up i wouldn't believe them" i said smiling at him as we went into the room.

We went inside while i opened the doors to the balcony and leaned on the balcony railing breathing in the air as Damiano came up to me hugging me from behind again.
,, let's go sleep i can't go without you" he said.
,, can't you go anywhere without me" i said full of confidence.
,, don't act up, now let's go" he said grabbing my hand and taking me away to the bedroom.

The next Morning

I woke up in Damianos arms and wondered how i even got a chance with him.
I sat up only for him to pull me down again.
,, rimaniamo così per un po'" he says. (lets stay like this for a while).
,, dobbiamo alzarci, dai" (we have to get up, come on)
I said as i stood up and went to the bathroom.
Okay so.. this morning i have two practices.. i thought while i brushed my teeth.
Once i was done i got out the bathroom and went to get dressed while Damiano was smoking a cigarette on the balcony.

,, we just got up and you're smoking first thing in the morning" i said teasingly.
he put his hand on my waist and pulled me closer.
,, i know you want one but for that comment i'm not giving it to you" he said jokingly.
I took his jaw in my hand and turned his head towards me and then i kissed him.
,, what about now"
,, now you can get the whole box" he said kissing me again as it escalates into a makeup session.

All i thought is let it last for a bit longer.

Two practice performances later and a hundred phone calls i was finally free to meet with Victoria.
I was waiting for her in the hotel lobby as i was sipping some tea i ordered.

,, heyoo" vic said coming closer and waving at me.
,, heyy, ur finally heree" i said as i gave her a cup of the same tea i ordered earlier.
,,ouuu thank you" she said taking the tea.
,, i found some interesting places we can go to, there's this cool cafe that has cats!" she said as we left the hotel.
,, that's so cool! i even brought my camera so we can take photos " i said as we left to the cafe.

The cafe was really something, the cakes we ordered were so delicious that we ordered two to bring to the hotel. We played with cats, took photos and talked about lots of things.
Victoria was playing with cats when i decided to call Damiano to ask if he would join us since vic said it was fine to, but strangely he wasn't picking up so we decided to just go back to the hotel since we had performance tomorrow on the second final.

Me and Vic were going into the hotel when we saw two people fighting in the corner of the lobby.
Vic and i turned around to see who it was and all we heard was ,, you came all the way from Italy to tell me that!!" and i knew exactly whose voice it was.
I stood there watching with vic for a few seconds when i decided it was time to mind my own business and i just went into the elevator while vic went to them sot separate them.

The elevator door closed but in the last second of them closing i met with Damianos eyes where Vic was trying to reason them.
I don't know who that woman was, and i knew it was gonna bother me.. so i picked up my phone and decided to call Elle so that we can drink a lil before the second semi finals.
,, hello..? Elle can you come to my room let's just relax and drink a little ?"
,, okayy, but what's with your voice, is something wrong?" she asked worriedly.
,,i'm fine really, i just missed my friend" i said.
,, okay i'll be there in 10 minutes" said elle hanging up.

I decided to go to my room and get me out of these tight pants. I put on my shorts and a white shirt.
The wine from the fridge was waiting for me and elle and i was so excited.
I put the wine on the balcony table while i went to get a box of cigars.
Just then i heard my door knocking and i let Elle inside.
,, ouhh, i came as fast as i could since tou said you had wine." she said with a sight.
,, hehe come here" i told here as i went to the balcony pouring us a wine glass.

,,so..? spill" she said.
,, what?" i said as i drank a little of wine.
,, you wouldn't call me here if you wanted to just sit and drink, now tell me what happened"
,, it's really nothing i'm just feeling down, can we just drink wine and look at the sky please" i said and Elle nodded while i smiled.
Suddenly a notification came up on my phone.
Damiano: Are you alone, can we talk?

Me: I'm actually with Elle maybe later..

I said as i turned off my phone..

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