XX - Shattered

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I couldn't believe it, i wasn't sad just disappointed.
I stood there watching, when Victoria interrupted them.

,, what the hell are you doing here??, you literally have a girlfriend waiting for you" she yelled at him.
We made slight eye contact while i turned away and went back inside.

Instead of crying like a little girl, i knew that it wouldn't change anything, i went back into the club and got a bottle of wine.
I think Victoria and Damiano are still outside, so i went to the rooftop watched the city and the fireworks as i sipped on the wine.

I was outside for a long time i think, Elle came looking for me also.

,, where the hell have you been girl" she asked
,, i haven't seen you anywhere and Damiano is also looking for you" she said.

,, please tell me you didn't tell him where i am" i said.
,, no i didn't, i just found you myself, and i see you got a bottle if wine, so tell me what happened now?" she asked.

,, um, you know it's casual for Damiano to kiss a girl ever so often" i said emotionlessly,
,, WHAT" she said shocked ,, that happened again??!"

,,yup" i said as i drank wine, ,,i'm used to it"
,,girl you have to go there and end thing with him, by the way who was he kissing and did he push her back?"
,, it was his ex that was in the news, and nope.. he didn't push her" i said, ,, i mean.. he dated her for 3 years what did i even expect" i said

,, girl, u think you should talk to him" she said.
,, i think i need to, but it would be the same" i said.
,, you never know" said Elle as someone came up the stairs in a hurry.

Up the stairs was Damiano alone as he came through the door.
,, i think it's time for me to leave" Elle said leaving and giving me a sympathetic look.
I was so tired of people and their sympathetic looks.

,, Cindy let me expla.." he said as i interrupted him.
,, please don't, every time i come to a party i go back in tears.. what do you even take me for" i said looking at the city because i knew if i looked at him i would burst into tears.

,,Cindy please look at me.. I am beyond sorry" he said.
,, is that all you have to say" i said looking down.

He took my head into his hands and made me look at him.
,, mi amor, please, don't look away, i can't even imagine you looking at me cold" he said as i stayed silent.
,, i don't know what happened there, i love you so much but you have to understand it's not easy forgetting a 3 year old love, i promise from now on it's not going to be like this any longer" he said looking at me as i looked back.

,, if it's not easy, why did you start a new relationship.. is it because i was just a stepping faze for your past relationship?!" i yelled back as i removed his hands while he stayed there silently.

,, You know what.. fuck you" i said as i threw the wine bottle against the floor, the glass shattering everywhere.

,, Cindy" he yelled back at me as i closed the doors and went back to the club.

,, what happened Cindy??!" Elle asked.
,, I don't want to talk now" i said as the DJ announced:
,, let's hearr it for the winner of eurovision!! Could Cindy sing something for us??" the DJ said as i came into the point of view"

I came up the stage as everyone applauded, i put on a fake smile as i was best at hiding how i really felt.

,, what vibes are you all going for?? should we go with something to relax you guys, or another hyperactive song??" i asked as the crowd said to sing a relaxing song to end the night with it.

I soon decided to sing favorite crime from my debut album, the lights dimmed as i sang.
Damiano later came down and i pretended not to see him and continued singing my heart out with tears in my eyes.

As the song finished i came off the stage as i saw Damiano coning near me but Victoria stopping him saying that i need time which i barely heard.

I took Elle by the hand as we exited the club, and i thought the paparazzi left because we were there for a long ass time, but i was wrong.
The flashes soon came and a lot of questions came by too.

,, cindy please answer for DailyNews.com, do you think Damiano is the right man for you" which question i ignored, because i even questioned myself that for the last 5 minutes.

The van came and we climbed up.
Soon we were in front of the hotel as i closed the door.
It was really sad that we had to go back to our country in a day also, i wanted to spend some time alone in this big city, so that's what i decided to do tomorrow.

I went into my hotel room as my phone was being showered with videos from the club and a lot of family members calling me and everything.

I showered and changed into my night wear as i didn't expect anyone.

I got my phone and replied to a couple of messages from my family  and shared some posts of me at the club and everything.

I almost fell asleep as i heard a knock at the door..

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