XIII - Loving isn't easy

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First of all i wanna thank you all for 2k reads! It really means so much, because i can wake up and see that the viewers are enjoying my story 🥰
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( it feels weird as hell to write smut)
I blinked my eyes a few times to see if i'm imagining this or if this is real.
Damiano is leaning on the door frame right now and knocking.

,, Damiano i really don't wanna do this tonight, just leave" i said turning back around.
,, Oh we are doing this tonight, i don't know what's got into you but this isn't the time for you to act childish" he answered back while coming to sit on the other chair.
,, Okay so now i'm acting childish but when you were kissing that bitch you were a grown ass person" i said calmly.
,, That goes both ways miss Cindy, did you forget about your little hook up with that man from Blind Channel?!" he said getting frustrated.
,, that was because of the alcohol and because of jealousy, if i was sober enough i would just go home and get my shit together and leave your dumb ass to fuck your little doll" i answered back while drinking the last drop of wine and getting up to get another bottle of it, not aware that i only had my underwear and my teddy coat on.

,, so when you're depressed you like to strip naked and sip on wine?" he asked teasingly.
I then looked at myself then back at him.
,, Yes, yes i do, got a problem with it?" i asked cocky.
,, No, not at all actually" he said coming behind me and circling his arms around my waist ,, i actually really like it" he said and i got butterflies in my stomach , but then remembered his kiss with elena ,, stop being so smitten with me, i'm not forgetting what you did" i said pushing him back a little only to get squeezed tighter even more while he was putting his head in the crook of my neck.

,, then how can i resolve this case?" he asked his voice getting muffled by my hair.
,, i don't know and i don't think you can" i said leaving him and going back to the balcony.

,, Cindy come on, i'm willing to forget everything if you say so but it goes both ways, i know it hurt both of us but she was really drunk" he said coming up behind me.
,, i really don't think we can resolve anything by yelling at each other, i'm going to believe you this one time and im only letting go a bit of it" i said as calmly as possible while drinking wine straight from the bottle.

,, so why are we still angry at each other? " Damiano asked sitting beside me.
,, because i thought you were.. different and i was wrong for that. Now when i look back at it i was stupid to have any sort of feelings for a guy that i knew only for 2 days" i said holding back my tears.
,, you really are hooked up on the fact that we know each other for 2 days." he said getting angry.
,, i really hoped that it was different, but never mind i told you i was letting go of the kiss, it's not like we were together anyways." i said drinking the wine straight out from the bottle while a tear escaped my eye which i quickly wiped.

,, So you don't fucking feel anything for me right?!" he said shouting while i stood up.
,,How am i suppose to feel something when everywhere i turn you're either on a girl or flirting with someone else?!!" i shouted back.
,, If you don't love me then why do you care !!!" he said.
,, BECAUSE  I.." i stopped myself took my glass from the table and went inside.

,, because you what??!" he said demandingly.
,, Damiano please get out" i said pointing at the door.
,, Not until you tell me" he said again.
,, it's because i felt even a spec of something for you while you went and kissed other girls around! THERE i said it, so please leave now" i said turning my back on him and putting away my wine bottle.

I turned back around and he was still standing there.
,, what?" i asked confusingly.

He then came beside me and twirled me around, he suddenly grabbed my neck and kissed me harsh that i ended up spilling all the wine on the floor.
He lifted me up still kissing me after he put me on the kitchen counter separating my legs so that he could stand between them.
He then proceeded to kiss my jawline straight down to my neck. I ended removing my coat so i was only left in my underwear.
,, you don't know how much i've been waiting for this day" he whispered seductively.
,, a whole two days " i said chuckling.
,,for you it may be 2 days but for me it feels like years" he said.
,, you really want to do this in the kitchen?!" i said questionably while he just nodded.

A couple of minutes later we were in the bedroom while he was thrusting into me.
,,  Può farlo quell'uomo dalla Finlandia??!" he asked smirking while i struggled to even utter a single word.( can that man from Finland do this?)
,, can he?!" he asked thrusting even harder.
,, n..o he can't " i choked out my words somehow.
,, In italian" he said demandingly.
,, n..no, non può" i said finally.
,, that's what i like to hear" he said doing it harder and harder every time but i enjoyed it to the max and he knew that.

In the morning: 10am

I woke up because of the lights that entered from the window as i recalled the moments from last night.
oh my fucking god i just had sex with someone i knew for 2 days i said to myself panicking.
I quickly put on my white lace bra and underwear.
I felt the sheets move and Damiano woke up.
How could i face him right now all worn out by last night. We had rounds and rounds of harsh sex that i don't think i can even walk properly.

,, good morning bellissima (beautiful) " he said to me and pulled me to him so that i was lying on top of him.
I looked up to him not saying a word.

,, what's wrong ? cat's got your tongue? " he said smirkingly knowing that i'm probably to shy to even look at him now.
,, oh shut up" i said playfully hitting him on the chest.
,, we should get up, i'm sure you have many tasks on your schedule" i said sitting up.

,, i had an amazing night yesterday" he said sitting up with me.
,, i bet you had an amazing night, i can barely walk" i said earning a chuckle from him.
,, angry sex is my specialty" he answered smilingly and got out of the bed.
,, what are you waiting for?" he asked cocky while knowing the exact answer.
,, im waiting for you to pass me the painkillers, they're on the shelf behind you" i said while he went to give them to me.

I swallowed them and got up slowly waiting for the pills to take action thinking loving isn't easy as they say..

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