III - Rehearsal

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After the Nikkis interview and a lot of eaten Dutch cookies i finally got to go to my studio room.
I was walking through the hallway when i crossed the Italys studio room.
I think they were listening to my interview but i just passed by, because i didn't want for them to open the door and find me listening, that would give me second hand embarrassment.

Damiano POV:
i swear to god she just got here and has been looking at other representatives.
,, dude what's wrong with you, i have been calling out your name for 3 minutes now?" said Victoria.
,, go get your makeup done so that we can finish the interview" added Ethan.

,, umm sure, but at what floor was that girl from France staying at" i said getting up and leaving the laptop on the table.
,, i don't even know what you are up to but i think she is on the 28th floor" said Victoria.
,, im not up to anything let's just call that curiosity "

Cindy POV:
I finally got to my studio room and i had a break of 30 minutes where i just sat down and talked with Elle.
,, did you meet with any delegations?" elle said.
,, umm i just met with Italy, i like their songs"
,, i think you like something more than their songs" said elle smirking.
,, oh my god elle" i sadi rolling my eyes.

,, They are having an interview right now i think we should watch it."
,, um okay.."

It starts of them explaining their name of the band.
,, they are really soft when talking english, im surprised" i said.
,,they have an interesting style "
,, uh i guess they do" i said but my mind is tracing back to the hallway scene ...

,, umm quick question, do you think Damiano is a fuckboy?" i asked
Elle looked surprised:
,, umm, no he looks like every other person..?" she answered.

,, we need Cindy on the stage in 35 minutes" said a staff member.
,, Omg i totally forgot about the rehearsal!" i said rushing to get into my clothes.
( okay so, i thought that the perfect song was Olivia Rodrigos Good 4 u, so just imagine her outfit on the ending scenes, oh and u can imagine anyone in anything its not obligated)

After touching up my makeup and hair I went outside and i struggled putting my in ear monitor when someone came up to me, and to my surprise it was the Czech Republic representative

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After touching up my makeup and hair I went outside and i struggled putting my in ear monitor when someone came up to me, and to my surprise it was the Czech Republic representative.

,, should i help you with that?" The man said.
,, oh please do" i said and sighed.

,, my name is Benny by the way" he said
,, oh my name is Cindy, it was so nice meeting you but i have to hurry, my rehearsal is starting" i said worryingly
,,oh no worries!" he said

And Elle was telling me to hurry the hell up, so i just sprinted in my black high heel boots .

Once i got to the stage there were other delegations sitting in the green rooms with notepads probably for the press conference later.

Damiano POV
While we were leaving the Nikkis studio i saw Cindy struggling with her in ear monitor, i wanted to help her but the Czech Republic representative rushed in first.
So that's the guy who caught her attention i thought.
I was just about to go up to them when she sprinted to her manager leaving me alone with The Czech guy.

,,Hello, you must be Benny?" i said
,, Oh yeah, i'm a huge fan of Måneskin, it's nice to meet you " he said
,, um yeah thanks, do you maybe know what girl from somewhere?"
,, no uh i just met her" he said questionably.
,,oh so that's the matter, well best of luck to Czech"
,, thank you " he said

And i left since Cindys rehearsal is starting right now so i have to sneak out out of my studio room.
,, hey psst Vic, i need to fo somewhere cover for me alright" i said
,, i got you but don't go anywhere far we have a press conference in 15 minutes" she said.
,, i got it" i said and left.

Cindy POV:
I got my in ear monitor in, so i just went up the stairs and there was water on the floor which was crucial for the scenography, i quickly stepped in , and one of the staff members told me about the pyrotechnic, and when they go off, about the camera angles etc..

(so for this rehearsal you can just watch good 4 u on SNL but i wanted a bit of a rock version for her song so go back to the top where you can find a video of the rock version)

The song started and i was given the cue when to sing, the water splashed with every step i took, i soon got used to the cameras, and i performed good 4 u but one thing i noticed is that the pyrotechnic was a lot closer than what i imagined so after the performance i talked to the staff and said to move it away a little bit.

I found Elle at the end of the stage and we had to change my clothes for the press conference which is happening in about 20 minutes.

,, I think you should go prepare everything , i forgot my guitar there i'll be there in a second"
,, okay hut hurry" elle said.

I quickly got behind the stage and got my guitar, but suddenly the doors to the staff room opened and two hands circled my waist pulling me in to the room...

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