XXI - Arrivederci

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I got up from my bed and went up to my door.

,, Relaaxx, it's Vic, so please don't hit me" she said chuckling a bit ,, although i would like to see Damiano with a vase on his head" she said as i let her in.

,, hey vic, what's up" i said as i went to the living room.
,, don't try to hide your feelings, you know what we saw" she said and instantly making me frown.
,, i hate it here" i said as i opened the door to my balcony ,, let's sit here, i assume you want to talk"

We sat down on the balcony as i got a bottle of vodka with me.

,, i just want to say that I'm on your side, and i'll try to pursue Damiano tomorrow to see what the hell went through his head while kissing that bitch" she said as we cheered.

,, nah Vic it's fine, i really don't care anymore, it's in the past, I'll talk with him tomorrow" i said
,, really??" she asked shocked.
,, yeah, i thought it was the right thing to do before going our separate ways" i said drinking the vodka.

,, that's really sad when you say it like that.. what are your plans for tomorrow?" vic asked.
,, in the morning i'll spend some time with my family as my mom and sister are here, and after i will talk with Damiano, annd afterr him i have a flight to France where i'll meet the rest of the family." i said to her.

,, so your parents are going by a plane earlier than you?" she asked.
,, yup, i had to make time for Damiano so i sent them to go first.." i said looking at the city,, enough about me what are you up to tomorrow??" i said curiously.

,, probably just fooling around, and waiting for out plane at the airport." she said ,, our plane leaves at 5 pm just so you know.." she said .

,, i know, i asked your manager on instagram beforehand, i also sent a text to Damiano to talk tomorrow at the cafe near the airport" i said.

It was now probably 2:30 am, and we decided it's the time to go to sleep.
Vic left shortly after as i was laying in my bed trying to get some sleep.

In the morning..

I got up noticing that it wad a cold and really dark day because the clouds are the color of a blueberry.
I put on a coat over my outfit and I spent some time with my mom and sister shopping and overall enjoying the city.

We finally found a cafe that had a playground connected so that my little sister Iris could play as me and my mom talked.

,, so i guess something happened with your new boyfriend, because you're not bringing him up" said mom trying to talk to me.
,,yeah it didn't really work out" i said to my mom.
,,maybe you could try again when you go back to your home in italy, while studying??" she said trying to light up the mood somehow.
,, yeah.. i'll think about it.." i said feeling gloomy.

I soon said goodbye to my mom and Iris as they went into the airport saying i'm right behind them.
All there was left to do in this city is to talk it out with Damiano.

I don't know what was telling me to keep you by my side, it really wasn't love, it's just the feeling of someone else loving me to the point that i couldn't leave them.

After a couple of minutes waiting in front of the Cafe, you finally came.
We went inside the cafe.

You ordered two coffees to keep us energized for the rest of the talk that we did in the cafe, you sat on the left corner which i hated because i couldn't look at your beautiful face.

While waiting for the order it suddenly started raining.

The whole day was gloomy and dark so this was like a cherry on top, it was not a storm it was more like the sky was crying a little.

,, This miserable rain.. it's gonna destroy our day.. gosh." he said while he was at a loss of words.

The view was beautiful..but,

You wouldn't have said that if you knew me longer, you would enjoy it with me, and it was sad that you didn't know i liked watching the rain.

No one knew how to start the conversation, so we just enjoyed the comfortable seats while we were at it.

The waitress soon came to our table with our coffees.
I started drinking the coffee as he just watched.
After a few minutes he asked:

,, Are you gonna call me after you leave?"

,, I don't know.. maybe, i loved our conversations.. but it will be uncomfortable for you" i said looking particularly nowhere.

,, I loved our conversations too.. i would love to be in touch with you." he said finally taking a sip of the coffee."

But i knew i was gonna avoid your calls, your messages, your posts with captions dedicated to me, and all those little details..

,, Should i drop you off at the airport..?" he asked again.

,, How kind of you.. but it's right after this street.. also.. Elle will be waiting for me there with my luggage.." i said fidgeting with my fingers.

I looked through the window again and my gaze softened as i saw the rain again.. I really wanted to stay here for a bit longer.. but i had to break the silence.

,, Look.. Dami.. I have to go, the plane is here in about 15 minutes.. i also have a lot to do tomorrow.." i said not knowing what else to say.

,, yeah.. yeah.. you probably should go.." he said.

,, anyway.. i will call from time to time, just to stay in touch.. just for my gut to be at ease for leaving.."

,, that would be.. great" he said looking down.

But i knew for sure, i wasn't gonna call you, and you won't call me.. Both of us knew that was a lie yet, we still said our goodbyes.. I didn't have a reason to call you anymore nor did you.. It all became clear but gloomy at the same time..

We both stood up and went outside the cafe while we stood underneath the little space of the roof that the rain didn't touch.
,, I should call a cab.." i said calling it and after 3 minutes it showed up.

I was scared of this moment. Because i knew i'd be leaving him as we would say our last goodbyes.

You opened your arms to give me one last hug, and that hug almost broke me.. I didn't want to let it go. I moved away from you, looked at you one last time, and while i was getting in the car i said one final ,,Arrivederci" (Goodbye).

I didn't know what to do next after giving the cab the directions, so i silently cried while the cafe was moving further and further away from me and from Damiano.
A lot of tears were cried in that very taxi.

The taxi was numbered 28.

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