XII - Tears & Wine

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As soon as i saw his name i wanted to end the live right there and then.
,, So thank you guys so much for watching the live, you'll see my outfit tomorrow on ig have nice evening"
I ended the live and went to search for Jendrik, because everything is now a little blur.
I stumble on Stefania.
,, hi there girl have you seen Jendrik anywhere around here?" i ask
,, umm i think he's in the hallway taking a rest" she said.
,, thank you " i tell her.
I opened the door to the hallway only to find Damiano and Elena the representative of Cyprus kissing.

I was left shocked, but not too surprised just disappointed, as soon as i saw them i felt angry because i believed him in everything he was doing.
I went in to the club and saw Jendrik drinking at the bar. I quickly ran up to him ,, Jendrik, do you know what i just saw.. I saw Damiano kissing Elena" i said out of breath.
,, Gurl i know you didn't just leave, i would go back there and whop his ass. What the hell is stopping you, isn't he your boyfriend or something??" he said cocky.
,, I don't think he is my boyfriend.. actually he never was my boyfriend." i answered drowning down another glass of a cocktail.
,, well you better get your revenge!? , do you wanna leave or do you wanna get wasted tonight??" he told me.
,, i don't know .. maybe both ." i answered getting up from a chair.
,, let's get wasted then dance" he said and i agreed.

We both drank the last bit of vodka we had and went to the dance floor. We started dancing like crazy, I was pressed between people i didn't knew and that didn't bother me, Jendrik saw that Damiano went in and quickly gave me the look. I yelled ,, i don't care anymore!!" and went back to my dancing.
Soon enough the guys that represent Finland came over and we all danced pressing into each other when one of the guys put his hands on my hips.
I could sense the burning look i was getting from Damiano, so i thought to take it a step further.
I turned around and we both went in for a kiss.
Our lips were 2 cm away when i felt a hand pulling me away from the dance floor. We were now in the hallway.

,, what the fuck are you doing with that guy!?" Damiano yelled pacing back and forth while i was leaning on the wall unable to balance myself right.
,, i was dancing" i said calmly looking at him with my droopy eyes.
,, you weren't just fucking dancing and you know that!" he yelled at me and that's where i drew the line.

,, I don't fucking care what you think, did you know how i felt when you were kissing that bitch from Cyprus!? Don't ever talk to me like i mean something to you when i obviously don't." i yelled back.
,, Oh My God Cindy, that girl was drunk as hell and soon enough when she kissed me i pushed her back!!" he screamed back at me.
,, You know what? I don't even wanna hear your excuses because what could i expect from someone i knew for 2 days, i blame myself for being naïve!" i yelled back and went to the door to the club to find Elle and go back to the hotel.

Damianos hand closed the door back and stopped me from going into the club.
,,You aren't going until we resolve this right now!" he yelled.
,, There is NOTHING to resolve Damiano i never expected you to be faithful and i should've known better" i screamed back.
,, I don't care, you can say anything you want, but when i say there was nothing between me and that girl i fucking mean it! I went into the club and saw you literally mind fucking that man from Blind Channel!?" he yelled back.
,, I have only done that because of you.. you.. fucking asshole" i answered back and went back for the door while the tears built up in my eyes.

I ran through the club until i saw Elle.
,, I wanna go home" i said almost crying.
,, omg what happened Cindy are you okay, do you want to go back right now" she said.
,, yes i wanna go back now! i don't care what the press will say!" i answered back to her while she was getting her stuff, i noticed Damiano going into the club and searching for me over all those people and i couldn't handle another fight with him for tonight.
,, let's go" said Elle taking my bag and going for the door, by this time Damiano found us and started going after us but stopped once we left the front doors.

The paparazzi was horrendous! All i could see in front of me was big flashes of white. Elle finally found our Van and we got into it and told the driver to drive us back to the hotel.
We were able to come to the hotel.
As soon as i stepped from the van the press and the paparazzi came again.
,, do you want to answer some questions or should we just go up to your room?" elle whispered.
,, i really just wanna go to my room" i whispered back while the bodyguard made way to the lobby.

We went into my room and i immediately took of my outfit and just put on a teddy coat over my underwear because i didn't mind choosing an outfit right now.
,, wanna go talk outside the balcony?" she asked grabbing a bottle of wine.
,, yeah, let's go" i said.
I brought my phone with me and put relaxing music on as we sat on the chairs. The weather wasn't cold it was actually pretty warm.

,, you wanna cig?" asked Elle offering a box of them.
I took one and lit it up.
,, so wanna tell me what's all this about?" she asked me.
,, i kinda saw Damiano kissing another girl and we also had a fight" i said.
,, that's tough.. what did he say after" she asked.
,, that the girl was drunk and that he pushed her back"
,, what an asshole." she told me while sipping wine.

We sat there in silence listening to the music and sipping wine, and after 10 minutes of Elle listening to me, she decided to go back to her hotel because of our schedule.On the other hand i stayed there drinking the wine and the slow tears rolling down my cheek..when i noticed the paparazzi going off again at the lobby from my balcony.

Out of the van steps only Damiano rushing to the lobby
I swear to god if he comes up to my door i'm gonna throw myself off this balcony. I sat there listening to my music and wiping the tears because i don't care anymore, everything that i knew is that i was tipsy and a bad bitch.. A bad bitch with tears & wine beside her..

I suddenly heard the front door of my room opening but i thought nothing of it because it must be Elle saying she forgot something.. but how did the front door open, i thought she locked it.

I took a sip of wine and listened to Another Love by Tom Odell. When i heard knocking on a glass window.
,,Elle i told you i really wanna be alone right now" i said turning around while i was met with a pair of familiar eyes..

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