IV - Studio Rooms

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You don't know where you are, or who you are with but suddenly you hear
,, Was it fun with Benny earlier?"

I got the shivers trying to recognize the voice that cane out the darkness. And then it clicked .. Damiano.
,, uhm, what did i do now for you to fet me in this studio room?" i said with the last drop of confidence I had.

,, you know damn well what you did" he said.
I'm suddenly smashed hard against a wall, he presses himself against you in a way you start to melt.
He then starts attacking your neck and slowly making his way to your lips but you push him off.

,, What are you doing, me and Benny didn't do anything, he just helped me with my in ear monitor, and why am i explaining these things to you?!"
I then started walking to the door but he spun me around.
,, So you are stopping me because you want to continue with Benny?" he asked
,, oh i get it now, you're jealous!" i told trying so hard not to smile, but failed miserably.
Damiano blinks in the darkness ,, no i'm not" he denies quickly.
,,omg yes you aree"

He then pecked me and i instantly melted even more.
i put my hands up to my mouth, when a staff member walked in.

I immediately flung myself to the other side of the room.
,, hey, you're not supposed to be in here" the staff member told us.
,, oh we are sorry, we're just searching for her guitar... which is right next to the door.." Damiano said.

I quickly picked up the guitar ,, Thank you for helping me find it, i now have to go" i said rushing through rhe hallway.
Damn what's with these hallways today?!
I saw Damiano trying to catch up to menbut failed since i got to my studio room first.

I closed the doors and tried catching my breath.
,, Gurl where was your ass, you took double the time you promised, we have to change right now"
,, Im sorry i got caught up, pass me the outfit"

I quickly changed into the outfit:(just imagine the pants being the same fabric but in a skirt form)

I quickly changed into the outfit:(just imagine the pants being the same fabric but in a skirt form)

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And me and my team went to the press conference.
,, And now make an applause for the delegation of France!" said the host.

Me and my team walked out, and in the crowd i saw a familiar band...

,, Hello France, how are you feeling after your first rehearsal??"
,, Um we are doing great, kinda exhausted from the lack of sleep, but everything is awesome"
There were a lot of hands in the air for the questions.

,, Hello there Cindy this is Mark from Bulgaria, so since  you are living right now in Italy, if you win, can Italy celebrate with you as well?"
,, If course Italy can celebrate, if i win, i will win for all the countries, but Italy has a special place in my heart, i mean it has been my home for 3 years now."

,, This is JP from Spain, what is the first thing you are gonna do when you come back to the hotel?"
,, Im probably gonna get a cup of coffee, do some vocal exercises and get to sleep as soon as possible"

,,Hello this is Lena from Finland, we have noticed a lot of fans that started ships , like love ships, with you and many other eurovision contestants, and the most shipped couple after Efendi and Tix, is you and an Italian representative Damiano, do you have anything to say about that?"

Oh that puts me on the spot...
,,Um, i'm not sure what you are trying to say, but i think it's really funny seeing all the comments about that while we are over here working our asses off, but i really love Måneskins song, and i met some of the members, and i think i have become friends with Victoria, she's just amazing, and everyone is really friendly, maybe even too friendly" i said looking at Damiano in the crows but it goes un noticed ,, so yeah.."

,,Do you have anything to say to Damiano maybe, we are trying to start some ships here" says the host.
,, Oh so YOU are trying to start some ships " i said laughing.

,, I don't have anything in particular  to say, but an amazing voice, amazing style and an amazing lips, just to clarify i am joking" I said and all the press applauded.
i instantly regretted saying that when i looked into Damianos smirk.

,, Okay and the last question of the evening??" the host said looking at the international press.
,, Your clothing and your style in particular is pretty amazing and a lot of designers made a shoutout to you for the most amazing style this year, and that they can't wait for the turquoise carpet"

,, Oh that is such an honor, me and my stylist pick the clothes beforehand, and we are so thankful to know that"

,, okay we have one last question for today"

,,This is Milan from the international press of Serbia, we noticed that our representative also declared their love for Damiano on yesterday's press conference, do you have anything to say about that"
,, umm i expected the last question to be about the competition but thats a great question wasted, and my answer is may the best girl win " i said chuckling.

,, Okaay, thank you for your time we will now be moving on to the other delegations"
,, Thank you everyone" i said leaving the stage.

,, Do i have anything else on my schedule, i'm dying to go to sleep in the hotel" i said.
,, i don't think you have anything else, but be sure to stop by at the camera room, to notify the staff about your camera angles, and then you can go back to the hotel"
,, okay sure" i said happily.
,, oh and by the way im meeting with the band Måneskin, i know them form way before, we worked at the same agency" she said.
,, oh no problem, it's not like you have to get my permission"...
,, i'll be going now" i waved..

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