X - Turquoise Carpet

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When we arrived at the Turquoise Carpet, there was a lot of international press that we had to go around for and answer some questions.
I was nervous since the press knows i finished a collage for languages so they'll ask me in other languages too.
But that is okay..
Elle opened the doors of the van while the flashes keep coming, i stepped out the van and i had to pose there for the first 5 minutes.
After me came Finland with their backup vocals.

I moved on to the press questions, the first press was the delegation of Lithuania.
,, Hi there Cindy, we loved your practice performance, can you tell us something about your choreography?"
,, omg, hii, theres so much to talk about but i'll cut it short, The choreography for our performance isnpretty simple but it has a deep meaning, theres water circling me , but theres also fire in the end of the performance so i'll leave you all to find the inspiration for it. We wanted it to be a really catchy song and all that.." i said
,, thank you so much Cindy you can move on" the reporter said.

The next in line was the delegation of Germany.
Oh great this is the time where they'll ask me to speak german. (pretend this is german)
,, Hello there Cindy, we hope you don't mind speaking in german, we noticed that our fans listen to your songs large amount of times, so we hoped you could say something to them, like are you scared you won't get in the finals, and who are you voting for in the first semi finals."
,, Haha hello it's a pleasure to test my german skills even though i haven't perfected them yet, for the question: i mean everyones scared and nervous, they get an amazing opportunity right now and it all goes to waste if you don't make it to finals, that is my personal opinion but i won't be mad, i'll just celebrate that i even got to perform on this stage, as for my fans i can say that i love them so much and i'll try to keep them updated because they want to experience the eurovision competition so ill have a live on my instagram at the eurovision party after the carpet so make sure to check that out!" i said in german and said my goodbyes.

The next was the delegation of Italy, and of course i have to speak with them in Italian, they'll probably ask me about Damiano and other things..
,, Hello Cindy we hope you know how to speak italian since you love in italy right now, we love your dress could you tell us something about it?" they said.
,, oh of course! , it was made by my dearest friend which is an upcoming designer, i thought i'll give her some support by wearing it tonight, and all i got was praises!
I said my goodbyes to them and wondered where måneskin was because they should be here by now, but soon enough they arrived at the start of the carpet.

The next delegation was Spain that are known for most brutal questions. I was honestly a little scared for they're question.
,, Hey there Cindy, greetings from Spain, we noticed that you spent a lot of time hanging out with a band member of the Italian delegation because all of the singing videos, and cafe pictures, and this morning the footage from their dressing room, so we wondered what is happening between you two, and we want all the juicy details." they said.
,, hahaha i'll just wait and see what he answers but all that i can say for my fans now is to wait because we don't have the answers ourself " i tried to laugh it off but they asked me another question.
,, What if we gave you a dare to crash an interview right now and kiss Damiano on the cheek" they said.
I started laughing ,, i don't think i could to that, that's a bit disrespectful it's their moment" i said and waved to them saying my goodbyes while hoping nobody asks me a question.

Regarding recent events because i cant even track what happened these 2 days, but the fact that you were here for a day never caught up to you and it really got you thinking what were you doing with a man you knew for literally a day.

I had some more questions i had to answer before a break where you could take pictures and drink water.

I stood there and checked my phone while being met with a message ,, wait for me there we have one nore delegation to answer" said Damianos message while i looked up.
I found him on the last delegation which was Spain where i was 5 minutes ago, i debated if i should wait for him because of all the paparazzi and all the ,,exposed" pages and blogs, so i sent him a message.
,, there are too many paparazzis and too many press i'll have to skip this proposal" i said and took another sip of the water that was on the table.
While putting the bottle down i started to walk away to another interview while a hand stopped me, i turned around and it was...... Benny!?
,, you are the main topic in all the interviews did you know that!?" Benny said laughing.
,, hahaha i know right?? what's with the people" i said laughing but deep down i knew if i stood here a second longer Damianos interview will finish and it will be the three of us.
,, i have to get going it'll be ugly if i stay here for a little longer "
,, why what's wrong" he asked still holding my hand.
,, first of all theres paparazzi around, and second of all Damiano is finishing his interview"
,, what does that got to do with us?" he said confusingly.
,, you know paparazzis make up lies and Damiano is extremely jealous too" i said.
,, idk why Damiano is jealous but let's just take a picture" he said and i nodded thinking when Damianos interview was gonna finish.

Benny put one arm around my waist and we posed for a little bit, i could see the band coming from their interview when a photographer yelled : ,, LETS SEE SOME ROMANCE?!" and i was visibly shocked.
This could get me in some serious trouble with Damiano...

Me and Benny got really close, he kissed my cheek and i made a laughing face for the sake of the photo, because i didn't want the photos to look like i didn't want to be there.
I saw Damianos shock, and when Benny left my side, he came next to me.
i looked at him trying to figure out what's happening.
He took me by the waist and kissed me on the lips in front of everybody...

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