XIV - Morning After

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The morning after I sat on the bed and got an oversized t-shirt from my drawer an I started to put it on when Damiano came beside me.
,, why are you even putting it on, i already saw everything" he said while taking the short off midway.
,, because i have personal space and it's inappropriate for me to walk around in my underwear" i said starting to get up from the bed leaving the shirt behind.

Knowing Damiano he would actually rip it apart if i decided to put it on again.
,, why are you cranky this morning" he asked following me ,, is it because you fell in love with me in 2 days and also we had se.." he almost said it but i just glared at him challenging him to finish the sentence.

,, It kinda is that, but i actually don't mind anymore" i said turning back around and while i started brushing my teeth.
,, and why do you don't mind" he said coming closer to me.
,, because you woke up in my bed" i said wiping my hands with a towel after brushing my teeth.

As soon as he heard that he circled his arms around my waist while i was pressed to the sink.
,, i think we need to go for another round" he said pulling me away from the sink, and coming on top of me on the bed.
,, i think we need to get ready for the third day of eurovision, so maybe some other time" i said rolling off to the other side while my phone rang.

,, shit" i said quietly ,, heyy Elle?!" .
,, gurl you've got a press conference after your carpet walk in 1 hours, i hope you are ready to come to the arena to get your makeup done, the van is outside in 30 minutes"
,, in 30 MINUTES" i said shocked.
,, yeah..? gurl what have you been doin all this time"
,, i'll tell you later, i need to changeee" i said hanging up.

,, What's the matter" asked Damiano while looking at me rummaging through my stuff.
,, get ur ass off that bed we have a press conference in 1 hour, and the van is waiting for us in 30 minutes, go shower in your room" i said while going to the bathroom and locking the doors.

I took a quick shower and got ready. All that i was left is to grab my phone and ID card, and go outside the lobby.

I rushed down the corridors in my sweats, rapidly pressing the button to the elevator
When i got down, outside the lobby was Jendrik waiting for his van too.

,, Bitchh, where'd u go last night??!" he asked.
,, i have to tell you what happened tonight.. okayy" i said while hurriedly going into the van that arrived.

After about 2 hours of press conferences and everything, today was the day of the first semifinals.
The delegations organized that the contestants of the second semifinals could watch the livestream from the chill room of the arena or in their room.

I was in my changing room, and for some reason today was so hot in The Netherlands that it was unbearable.
I put on my summer dress and went to look for Jendrik.

I found Jendrik on one of the bean bags with popcorn and his team of backing vocals, i said hi coming up to them as i sat on one of the bean bags.

,, omg bitch where have you been?" he asked.
,, i've been everywhere today i don't even know where i have been actually" i said sitting down.
,, okay so that doesn't matter now talk!" he says.
,,oh my god i don't even know where to begin" i said.
,, from the beginning bitch"
,, okayy" he says and i laugh.

I told him everything that happened from leaving the party till this morning leaving the night life out of it.

,, gurl i know you didn't just forgive him" he said
,, i honestly don't know right now i just want to relax and listen to the songs." i said and the first semifinals began.

We were halfway through the show when i saw Damiano going in front of me and Jendrik and sotting in the bean bag in front of us.
Me and Jendrik just glanced at each other while a notification on my phone popped up.

,, why are you sitting with him" he messaged me.
,, he is literally gay" i messaged back.
,, you should come over to ours bean bag, the band was missing you" he said.
,, i will later okay" i told him and turned off my phone.

It was a break between the results of the show when Victoria came up to me and Jendrik.
,, hii Jendrik mind if i steal Cindy for the night"" she said as i looked surprisingly.
,, she's all yours" he said shooing me away.

I stood up ,, so where are you taking me miss" i said jokingly.
,,Let's go outside for a cigar" she said holding my hand.
,,sure thing" i said as we went outside.

We sat on a bench outside the arena when she passed me a cig.
,, i heard that you and Damiano are a thing now" she said.
,, yeah i think so" i said as vic smiled.
,, i would've loved to get to know you a lil better" said vic.
,,yeah sure, how bout we organize the whole day tomorrow for ourselves, a little tour for us?"
,, i would've loved too, i have to run away for a little from all the boys in my band" she said.
,, then its a deal tomorrow at 2 pm let's meet at the hotel lobby" i said.

We finished smoking and went inside where the other contestants are and i thought i should sit with them for a while. I said hi to Thomas and Ethan as i came up and hugged them.

Ethan then stood up from his bean bag ,, puoi sederti qui se vuoi " ( you can sit here if you want)
,,non c'è bisogno che si sieda con me" ( there is no need she will sit with me) Damiano said making space for me to sit.
,, yeah there is no need for you to move from your seat." i said to Ethan, but then i turned around to see Damiano smirking ,, what are you waiting here come sit" he says.

I sat next to him as he put his hand on my waist as i ended up putting my hands around his neck because there was no space for them.
,, you're not so shy now" he said smirking again.
,, i don't have space for my hands, don't get too comfortable " i said whispering to his ear knowing that turns him on.
,, you better don't start something you can't finish" he said.
,, just watch the show" i said turning his head back to the tv laughing.

It was the end of the show and we waited patiently to see if Ukraine was going to the finals where the behind the scenes camera was filming the suspense from this room.As soon as i saw the camera i moved my arms aways from Damianos neck when Ukraine was announced to go to the finals. We all stood up cheering as Damiano kissed me.
I was really surprised because it was all being filmed and streamed live.I quickly put myself together while they were dancing to Shum.

When the show ended i started saying goodbye to the band, while Damiano talked to their delegation.
,, bye everyone it was really nice watching the stream with you all" i said waving while Damiano saw me leave, and caught up to me.
,, where the hell are you going?" he asked .
,, to the hotel room, where am i supposed to go?" i asked confused.
,, i know that but wait for me" he said while taking his phone.
,, are you serious we have another practices tomorrow!" i said to him.
,, i'll just wake up super early now stop refusing" he said while we went to the van..

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