XVI - The Finals Began

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Damiano POV:
I texted her after i got into my hotel room, but all i got is an emotionless text back.
I knew she saw and heard my fight with my ex girlfriend, so i thought i should tell Cindy about her.

But i don't think i can do that now.
Even if we're apart i get this urge to be close to her and protect her and i don't know what's wrong with me.
All i can think is that this girl i met 3 days ago became mine..

I put my phone to charge and i guess i'll be sleeping on my own tonight.

Cindy POV:
It's now 3am, and i can't sleep.
Elle left two hours ago and i can't find the reason to go to sleep even, so i was still on my balcony looking at the sky, when i heard a knock on my door.

I went up to it ,, who is it?" i asked confusingly.
,, i can't sleep Cindy" said Damiano and by the sound of his voice he was tired as hell.
I opened the door just to see him leaning against the door.
,, oh my god Damiano come in, what's wrong with you" i said as i let him in.

,, I can't find the motivation to sleep, and as i can see. you can't find one either." he said going in.
I stayed silent as i went to close the balcony's doors.

,, can we sleep without any problems? can we not think about anything, just sleep?" he said back hugging me.
,, look Damiano, i'm not gonna say anything because that's none of my business, when you're ready you can tell me everything" i said as we went into the bedroom.
,,thank you" he said as he kissed my neck.

I went into the bed first as Damiano prepared himself for the bed.
He went under the covers and pulled me closer by the waist so he was a big spoon right now, and i didn't mind it.

The next day i was really busy as i was preparing for the bonus performance that i had to do live.

It was just Studio - Arena,  Arena - Studio and it was really tiring too because we had to be at the second semi finals too, even though we were qualified to the finals.

But it was already halfway through the show because after the lines have been opened to vote i had to perform my most viewed song as a bonus performance

As my performance came to an end it was a relief actually, i hit every note perfectly but the fact i almost shit myself when my in ear monitor almost fell off.

I came off the stage in my red outfit and now i could go to my green room and wait for the results of the other countries.

I was really happy because everyone deserved to go to the finals. Damiano was in his green room with his delegation.

So i thought i shouldn't bother him so i scrolled through instagram to find any clips of me performing.
I was satisfied with the overall performance and it was the end of the show and we were all supposed to go back to the hotel.

As soon as i got to the hotel i went into by bedroom and quickly scrolled through instagram to find all the memes from tonight as they were really funny.
I suddenly got a text from Damiano:

,, i don't think i'll be able to make it tonight, there's been a problem with the instruments, we are still at the arena" he messages.

                                                               ,,no worries ☺️"

I texted back and finally went to sleep feeling a little lonely than the last couple of nights, but i had to save my energy as tomorrow were the finals of eurovision.

I had to wake up really early today because we had press conferences all morning and after that we had another practice performance.
The day has been exhausting so i decided to go to my studio room and rest a bit with my makeup artists and other staff members.

,, Its been so crowded this whole morning" Elle said as she sat down next to me.
,, i know right, i talked all morning and it still isn't enough " i said as a staff member came up to me to give me the number of my performance.

,, oou, my number is 23rd" i said
,, oh thats a good thing, that's the end of the performances so the public can remember you the most" she said.
,, my luck didn't leave my side yet" i said smiling.

My vocal coach came to the studio room and said we have to practice more so that there aren't any voice cracks or any missed notes in the performance.

After 2 hours of sitting at the studio room it was finally the time to go to our green rooms in the arena for the finals to begin, all this time there wasn't even a call from Damiano but i'll be sure to see him in the arena.

And the Finals Began..

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