VI - Cafe Miracles

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,,well now you see him" Damiano said putting his arm around my waist.
,, um, i ahould probably go now" the delivery guy said leaving.
I closed the door quickly and sighed.

,,Does this happen a lot?" he asked in an angrier tone.
,, why would you like to know" i said trying to leave but his grip on my waist tightened stopping me.

,, im gonna ask this just this one time, does this happen more than i expect?" he asked again.
I just looked into his eyes, but we quickly separated when i heard footsteps coming closer to the hallway.

,, ayy what's taking so long" aksed Ethan.
,, um nothing the pizzas are just heavy" i said lifting them up a little bit.

,, here give them to me" said Ethan coming up to me and taking them away, and disappearing from our sight.
I tried leaving but Damiano stopped me again and pinned me against the wall.
,, i'll get an answer to that question tonight" he said seriously and walked back to the living room of the hotel.

I stood there with wide eyes and thought i should've just answered his question. But there's no going back now. After a while we ate 2 pizzas and the other one i packed for the band to take back to their room.
Elle was hooked up on Ethan and Ethan on her so they thought it was the time to go back to their rooms.

,, well i guess we should be leaving now" Vic said standing up.
,, yeah we should probably get going" said Thomas.

They all stood up and left one by one, and of course Damiano was the last to leave.
While leaving he bent over and whispered ,, don't forget what i said" and then he left.

I got all red and closed the door quickly, i shook it off and thought to take a shower and sleep because i desperately needed it.
I took a shower and changed into a pajama and took a quick nap.

I woke up feeling as fresh as ever so i pulled out my phone from my bed side table, there were a lot of comments on my press conference, but i like leaving the fans wondering. I called Elle quickly and asked
,, heyy, what if we dressed up and went to take some photos fir instagram, my fans are hungry for some new content"
,, yeah i guess we could, just let me freshen up myself i just took a big nap" she said.
,, yeah well i took a nap too, what's the time?" i asked
,, i think it's 4 p.m , it's not that dark lets meet up in the lobby at 5 p.m" she said going out if her bed.
,, yeah i'm hanging up now" i said making a quick coffee.

I quickly drank the coffee and started doing my makeup, and after the makeup the real question was what should i wear?
Then i thought of an idea, what if i dressed a little like Damiano so that i confuse my fans and his...?
Uh that's not okay it looks like i'm just using him..
But what do i even feel towards him... umm whatever it's the first day anyways...
I quickly put together an outfit:

I think this is a cute outfit but it somehow resembles Rotterdam the best

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I think this is a cute outfit but it somehow resembles Rotterdam the best..
I looked at the time and though it was the time to leave because it was 5:50 p.m .
I locked the doors to my hotel room and started walking towards the elevator.
I pressed the button and waited a bit.
Th elevator door opened revealing Benny!
I smiled and greeted him going into the elevator.
,, Omg hi Benny! " i said hugging him.
,,hii Cindyy, what are you up to?!" he answered hugging me back.
,, oh nothing much, i was just thinking about taking some photos with my manager, my fans are hungryy if you know what i mean, but where are you going?" i said jokingly.
Benny laughed ,, that's cool, um i was thinking about going to the cafe nearby" he answered the smile still not fading from his face.
,,Why don't you come with me and Elle my manager, we could take some photos and then go to the cafe?!"
,, umm sure why not" he said.

Just then the elevator door opened and we quickly met up with Elle and took our leave.
An hour later we took some amazing photos, and sat down to this cafe which had live music.

,, This is an amazing cafe Cindy" Benny said sitting down.
,, Isn't it ?!, the music is great!" i said also sitting down.
,, Hello there may i take your order?" the waiter came by and asked.
,,umm i'll have ice cream, and let the flavor be chocolate " I said smiling.
,, ill have the same" Benny said and smiled.
,, I'll have an ice cream too but instead of chocolate strawberry please" Elle said looking at her phone.
,, Coming right up" the waiter said and left.

The waiter came quickly with our orders and the rest of the evening we spent listening to the live music when the bell from the front door signaled there were new customers..

I looked up still smiling from the joke that Benny said to me and Elle, when our eyes met.
And guess who it was .. of courseee Damiano.
But with him was only Ethan not the rest of the members.

,,ELLE, GET UP LETS LEAVE QUICKLY UNTIL THEY SEE US" i whisper - yelled to her.
,, until who sees us.. what?" she said turning her head and looked at Damiano and Ethan.
,, why would we leave?? Ethan, Damiano Oveeer heree" Elle said waving to them.
,, shit" i said putting on a welcoming look.

They quickly came to our table..
Ethan sat down next to Elle while Damiano sat in between me and Benny.
Leaning over he whispered to me ,, why the hell is Benny here" passive aggressive much?
,, we met at the elevator, and why are you sitting between us?!" i said whisper yelling...
,, that's an answer i'm giving tonight" he said..
,, why are you always saying tonight??" i asked.
,, you'll see" he said.

,,Hey Cindy wouldn't it be a nice idea to take a picture of you two, you could post that to instagram?!" Elle said.
,, but i already took a picture with Benny?" i said confused.
,, i know but it's different with Damiano" she said
,, let's do it" said Damiano all hyped up.
,, omg fine let's do what you say" i said giving in.

,, Okaay, scooch together a lil bit would you??" Elle said.
So i scooted over, when Damiano put a his hand on my waist pulling me closer even more... I quickly looked at his eyes when Elle screamed!!.

,, Oh My God this is perfect!!! "she said turning the camera towards me.
It was this beautiful picture of me and Damiano, i was looking into his eyes and he in my mine, and if you didn't know us you'd thought we were together in reality.

,, I don't think i should post this, it's literally too real" i said.
,, why not, i might just post that one to my feed" said Damiano and my cheeks turned red...

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