XIX - Familiar Scenario

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,, FRANCE!" the hosts said.

I was shocked and i couldn't believe it, i put my head in my hands to revise what just happened.
Once i lifted my head up i was met with Damianos eyes when he put his hand on the back of my neck and kissed me in front of the whole world as everyone cheered on.

I didn't  know what to do, but i just took the trophy as the hosts said : ,, France is gonna sing their song because they are the winners!" and the audience applauded.

I began singing when my team came to the stage to celebrate together!

5 minutes later i was done singing my song and it was the time to do the winners press conference.
We were rushed because we had an afterparty later.

As i came into the room i sat down as i got told Italy will also be attending.
After some moments Italy came and we began the questions!

The host said: ,, since France officially won, we will have the national press ask questions first!"

France national press: ,, nous sommes très fiers de toi cindy, alors voici ta question, puisque tu as ramené le trophée dans notre pays, dans quelle ville allons-nous organiser le prochain concours?" ( we are so proud of you for bringing the trophy back to France, this is out question, in which city do you think the next contest is gonna be?) they asked.

,, Je pense que ça va probablement être Paris puisque c'est la capitale" ( i think it's gonna be in Paris since it's the capital city) i said.

,,please speak in english because this is an international press conference" said the host

Italy delegation raised their hand and the mic man came to him.
,, we saw that romance between you and mister Damiano blossomed through the competition, will you take your romance a step further, or will the news of his ex girlfriend tear you apart?"

,,i thought this was a song competition press conference but okay, we really don't know anything tight now but be sure that we are in a relationship" i said as i thought about how that journalist is a shameless person.

The next questions was from Britain.
,, how would you encourage other artist that are now afraid because 4 delegations got 0 points to compete again in the next eurovision"  they said.
,, i think that it takes courage, and you have to be interesting on stage as well off the stage, with a great song and amazing team you can do anything, even make rock win" i said.

There were a lot of questions and more and it was the time for Italys conference which i stayed in the audience to watch, but one question stood out.

,, Miss Cindy said that you two are in a relationship right now, do you think that the relationship is gonna last" the press asked.
,, as Cindy said, i think this is a song contest press conference, but i wouldn't go into a relationship knowing it won't last" he said as they proceeded to another question.

While Italy was answering their questions i went to my studio room to change for the after party that i waited for patiently!
And i had to go because i was the winner ofc 💁🏼‍♀️

I just touched up my makeup and went to change to a dress ( you can imagine anything)

Italy has finished up giving their answers to press and just went to their studio room, as for me i was ready and was waiting for my van while all the other contestants were waiting at the club.

But Damiano got ready the quickest and just when i was going to step in the van Damiano took me by the hand.

,, how did you get ready so quickly??" i said confused.
,, i wanted to catch up to you so that i can go with you to the party" he said.

,, you know there will be paparazzi and press also?" i said pointing out the obvious.
,, so what, we kissed a trillion times already it's not like going out the van together will make us die" he said laughing at me.
,, well i can't argue with that, but we still need to talk about your ex girlfriend tomorrow, remember that i didn't forget" i said going in the van.

,, by the way didn't i say you look so sexy with that dress on amor" he said whispering to my ear while i got red immediately.
,, you don't look bad as well" i said as i covered my face with my hands.
,, i love it when i make you shy" he said tickling me on the side of my stomach.

We soon arrived at the club and just as we exited the van, the flashes began.
Damiano took me by the hand and we went together i. the club as everyone in it applauded.
I was really surprised, i just said thank you everyone as the DJ called my name:
,, we got The WINNER OF EUROVISION in the cluub tonightt, let's get Cindy up heree to say a few words."

I let go of Damianos hand and made my way up to the stage, i had no idea what i was going to say so i just improvised.
,, thank you everyone for amazing support, thanks to the staff for an amazing contest and whoever got unto the finals.. they are all winners for me " i said as i chugged a glass of champagne and leaving the stage followed by applause.

I scanned the whole room and there was no trace of Damiano so i went to Jendrik and Sofia that were chatting.

,, Gurl have you seen Damiano anywhere???" i asked actually.. yelled over the music.
,, gurl hell nah" said Jendrik
,, what about you sofia???" i asked.
,, no honey, maybe he's in the bathroom or outside on the stairs of the hallway" said sofie.

I went to the bathroom first thinking that this was a familiar scenario. And i panicked a little.
I went to the bathroom and as i went in i saw Vic and another girl kissing where i just gave her a thumbs up and left.

There's only one spot i thought.
As i went outside the hotel in the hallway i heard yelling noises.
It was a girls voice that was speaking.
,, HAVE 3 YEARS OF DATING MEANT NOTHING TO YOU" she yelled back again.

,,I LEFT YOU BECAUSE OF THIS, YOU ARE MENTAL!" the other voice said punching the wall, and i recognized that voice really quickly.
,, YOU'RE A PSYCHOPATH DO YOU KNOW THAT?!" Damiano yelled hitting again against a wall and there was silence.

In that moment Vic came behind me and made a 'whats happening' expression.
I ignored her as i peeked behind the wall with Victoria as we saw The two of them kissing.

But something wasn't right, he was not pushing her away. He was kissing back AGAIN.
And it's the same scenario AGAIN.

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