V - Snakes & Pizza

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On my way to pack my guitar i had to make a quick stop to the camera room, i probably spent like 15 minutes there just explaining the camera angles, and don't get me started on the pyrotechnics...

Elle POV:

I had to make a quick call with Ethan, after they finished their press conference.
A couple minutes later we decided to go to the nearby coffee shop, and just chitchat about how things were going in the agency and how they made it to eurovision.
But after 10 minutes i noticed Damiano suddenly mentioning Cindy and right away i knew something was up, so i wanted to take revenge on Cindy.

,, So how is the agency doing?! I haven't talked for you in about like 1-2 years" i said.
,, I mean we are doing freaking great, we miss you tho, why would you leave anyway?" said Vic.
,, I got a better job offer and you know i'm all about that money!" i said laughing .

,, So i assume you are working with Cindys agency yeah?" Damiano asked reassuringly.
,, yep, it was hard at first cuz i didn't know any french but she helped me a lot, and it was a great advantage that she knew how to speak Italian"

That's where i started to get a little suspicious and connecting the dots together i knew something is up.

,, Yeah, by the way, do you guys remember when you wanted a pet snake?" i said and they nodded ,,well Cindy got a snake a while ago, would you like to go back to her room to meet him?" i said full of energy.
,, That shits crazy lets go" Damiano stood up first and that just confirmed my theory.

Cindy POV:

After like 15 minutes of explaining camera angles, i had to go down one floor and pick whether my performance was happening in the first semifinals or in the second semifinals...
It ended up being the second semifinals, and that was recorded too, so you'd have to smile even more... which took like another 10 minutes..
So in total what seemed like a quick stop by the camera room it ended up being a 25 minute stop.
And don't remind me about going back to my studio room to leave my costume there.

I came by the room and in it was my makeup artist.
,, heyoo, did Elle come back here maybe??"
,, no i didn't see her, i was just packing the makeup, we are about to leave" she said
,,oh, let me just quickly change into my normal clothes, the boots are killing me" i said groaning.
,, There it is on the couch Maria ( the stylist) left it there 4 minutes ago".
,, oh it's veryy cute, thank her in my name" i said
,, oh and she also told me there might be some press or paparazzi in the front so look ladylike"
,, they are literally everywhere idek where to hide anymore"
Anna ( The makeup artist)  just sighted
This was the outfit:

,, oh it's veryy cute, thank her in my name" i said,, oh and she also told me there might be some press or paparazzi in the front so look ladylike",, they are literally everywhere idek where to hide anymore"Anna ( The makeup artist)  just sightedT...

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(with white air force ones, or anything tbh idc)

,, Ill be leaving now, good job everyone for today" i said waving and closing the door"
Going out the front door i noticed really quickly that Anna was correct with the paparazzi.
They thought they were slick hiding behind that trash bin, but i posed for them anyway, jus wanted to make them look stupid.

I went to the nearest coffee shop got a venti mocha swirl and the van was already waiting for me outside it, so i hopped in and they drove me to the hotel.
I thanked the driver and went into the hotel lobby.

I tried dialing Elle but she wasn't answering, i thought she was just talking so much with them she didn't check the phone, so i just went to the elevator and pressed the 28th button.
While walking up to my room i noticed that the doors were opened, so i hesitated a lil bit but i put on my big girl pants and went in.
The sight was literally.. i can't describe it by words.

Elle was on the balcony sitting in a swing chair with Thomas and Victoria, while Damiano and Ethan were playing with the snake.
Everyone looked at me when i closed the door.
,, umm, hello?" i said trying to not making any awkward than it already was but failing miserably.
,, Oh Cindyy, we were just hanging out, i hope you don't mind, they really wanted to come and meet Fuego.." Elle said cheekily.
,, No i don't mind at all but can you come here for a sec" i said.
Elle just came up to me and i dragged us outside in the hallway.

,, Why the HELL didn't you tell me they were here?!"
,, i thought it would be a good surprise!!" she said smiling.
,, Why would you THINK that, there are already rumors about me and Damiano dating.. " i said sighting but we ended up going back inside.

,, Do you guys want anything to eat, should we order something?" i asked
Everyone looked at Victoria.
,, Yeah sure, should we order pizza or sushi?"
,, meh let's order pizza i don't like sushi" Ethan said.
,, Okay so pizza it is!" i said and headed into the kitchen to make the call, i leaned on the kitchen counter.

As soon as the call connected, Damiano came from the living room and put his both hands beside me, trapping me in between his arms.
Ou faces were centimeters away, when the pizza guy spoke up.

,, Hello this is Dominos Pizza" i stayed frozen for second.. ,, Hello" the guy said again..
I finally snapped out of it ,, Oh yes, yes , we would like 3 jumbo pizzas please" .. i tried to fight my way out of his trap but failed once he got closer to me so that i can feel his breath on my neck...
,, Is that all?"  the guy spoke again.
,,um, yes i think, wait no, actually that's all, you can come to this address xxxx room number 117" i said turning red by the second, i mist admit it gave me butterflies.

He finally hung up and i breathed a breath of relief,
,, What the hell do you think you're doing!?" i said my voice coming out more higher than i imagined.

He just looked at me and kissed my lips, while i stood there with a shocked face ( 0-0 <— like this )
,, So i do have amazing lips too" he said, and immediately i remembered the conference thing, and started rambling about how it was a joke.

,, No, actually, i said it was, um a joke.." i was cut off by another kiss, so instead i went under his arms and sprinted to the living room where the rest of the group was, and in my mind i had to think about how should i explain the situation to him.

In that right moment he came back from the kitchen not looking pleased, and i shuddered in fear.

30 minutes later i heard a knock at the door, so i got uo and the delivery guy was standing in front of me.
I quickly grabbed the money and thanked him while he said.
,, Im sorry but you are really pretty, can i get your number.." i stood there with another shocked face like god really be testing me these days.
,, um sorry no, i have a boyfriend" i said smiling
,, i don't see him" he said smirking

In that moment I felt a presence behind me, and guess who it was..
It has been so much fun writing these 4 chapters bit also kinda cringe cuz it's a different perspective when you are writing, also we had a bomb evacuation.... 🙄 Thas cool or whateva.
Let me know if i should continue writing this book, and what would you like to see because i'm running out of ideas😌

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