IX - Lap Naps

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Cindy POV:
Me and Benny played a good round of ping pong when his manager asked for him, i looked at the clock and i still had about an hour and a half left till turquoise carpet. I said my goodbyes to Benny and went to sit on a bean bag chair.
I scrolled through instagram and the likes from my and Damianos photos poured in.
There were a lot of comments but i don't mind reading them because there's always a negative one, and i don't need more negativity in my life especially when it's eurovision.

A name popped up on my phone.. It was Damiano asking if i could go to his studio room.
,, come to my studio room quickly"
,, isn't the studio room now empty, and why do tou want me there" i replied on the phone.
,, just come" he said.

I wondered if i should go or not, but i didn't have lot's of things to do since i have an hour and a half till my next schedule.
I got up from my bean bag and started making my way over his studio room, while walking i thought about what would he tell or ask me, because it's pretty unusual for him to be calling me at this time of the day.

I stood in front of the door wondering if i should knock, but i just went inside.
There was nobody there. I stood in disbelief, and mentally cursing: isn't he supposed to be here, is he a kid ?!
I tried calling him, when i heard a phone ringing behind me.
I turned around and found Damiano closing the doors to the studio room and locking it.
,, surprise" he said but not in a cheerful tone.
,, omg you are to childish, and why did you need me here?" i said still looking at him.
,, was it fun" he said coming closer to me.
,, what was fun??" i asked moving away.

I sat down on a couch because there was no room for me to move away.
,, was it fun playing pin pong with Benny" he asked again but now trapping me and putting his arms on the couch frame.
,, Damiano this is ridiculous, why do you care and why the hell were you even spying on me.. you could've just asked to join too" i said putting my arms on his chest trying to push him away.

,, Don't try to act so innocent now" he said and started kissing my jawline but in a hurtful way.
,, Damiano that hurts!" i said trying to move a bit away, but totally loosing to his touch.
He made his way up to my lips where we both kissed back.. We were in the middle of kissing when the door handle starting moving.

,, And over here we have the Italys studio room" said the eurovision reporter moving closer to the door which was locked.

,, Omg what do i do now?" i said.
,, let's just ignore them i can't escape these interruptions " he said angrily and kissing me more hungrily and aggressively.

,, You have to open it" i said standing up from the couch.
I can feel his gaze on my back.
,, Go and open it please " i said once more demandingly.
,, I will if you promise to continue this later" he said smirking.
,, Omg.. okay.. okay yes just open the damn door" i said while Damiano went to open the door.

The doors revealed Damiano and me in front of a recording camera, and also a tv host that was showing the audience the eurovision arena tour.

,, my, my what do we have here?!?, France delegation and the delegation of Italy, so does that mean the rumors are true?? you two are dating.??" she said fast.

,, we can't confirm anything yet" i said trying to calm down the situation, while Damiano was smirking and winking at the camera..
,, you'll have to wait for that answer" Damiano said, as he closed the door.

I sat down on the couch and sighted.
,, omg what are the fans gonna think of me, when they see this" i said miserably.
,, don't care too much " is all that Damiano said while sitting next to me and putting his head in my lap.
,, in the middle of everything you decide to lay on my lap" i said trying to hide my smile but failing.
,, don't act like you don't like it, i know it gives you butterflies" he said while i played with his hair lightly.
,, this never happens, i have to take a picture" he said pulling out his phone and photographed him on my lap while i was playing with his hair.
Great now i was letting him have Lap Naps.

15 minutes passed when he fell asleep, i couldn't move because i didn't want to wake him up, and i don't know why i'm feeling this way.
I scrolled through instagram storied when i saw the picture he took earlier, i didn't have any problem with the picture it's just that everyone can recognize my dress and my nails, but i thought whatever.

An hour passed by and you watched a new episode of your TV series.
You looked at the time, and the time that's left till turquoise carpet was 30 minutes.
So I decided to quickly slither out and get going.
I put his head on a pillow and left without anyone noticing me.

I went to my studio room and i was laying down while my stylists came to the room to prepare me for the carpet.

We did my makeup beautifully, and the dress was amazing, we decided to let down my hair which was in slight curls..
It was the time to get going and we rushed to the van where everyone else was waiting.
I checked my phone and there was a message saying:
,, you shouldn't have left me" the message read.
,, i had to, i needed to do my makeup and other stuff"
i answered.
,, i can't wait to see your dress" he answered back.
,, yeah me too" i answered and put away my phone..
When we arrived at the entrance..

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