VIII - Ping Pong of Jelaousy

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I woke up the next day remembering the actions from last day, and wondering how am i gonna face him today.
Today on my schedule was rehearsal at 11 a.m , and the turquoise carpet at 3 p.m .
Right now was 9:30 a.m and i just grabbed sweatpants i wore yesterday and went to the eurovision center arena to get my costume, but we didn't mind doing my makeup and hair..
I went to the stage and sang my song, cautiously looking for the band members because they have a rehearsal after mine, and i really tried avoiding them.

As soon as the rehearsal finished i went for the other exit gathering my guitar, but i made a mistake because i went for the exit where they bring the instruments in, and taking in that måneskin had a lot of instruments on stage, i really messed up, but it was too late.
I was face to face with the måneskin members...

Damiano almost immediately smirked when he saw my face.
,, hey, are you doing okay, you're really pale" said Vic.
,, oh, hahaha im really okay" i said straightening my back.

,, Your rehearsal starts in 5 minutes, get to your places everyone" said the staff member to the band.
,, we got it" said Ethan.
,, i better get going, see you all later!!" i said putting on a smile on my face.

I sprinted through the hallway, and once the corner was near i sighted. I got my guitar with me which is pretty heavy, so i stopped to rest.

Damiano POV:
,, Your rehearsal starts in 5 minutes, get to your places everyone" said the staff member to the band.
,, we got it" said Ethan.
,, i better get going, see you all later!!" Cindy said while sprinting down the hallway.

,,oh, i just remembers i forgot something in our room, let me grab it quick" i said making up an excuse.
,, hurry the hell up, soundcheck is starting in 2 minutes" said Ethan.
,, suree" i said running through the hallway.

Cindy POV:

I caught my breath, but as soon as i started to walk back i was met with piercing black eyes.
,, where do you think you're going" said Damiano.
,, uhm, first of all we had a deal that you can't bother me for half of the day" i said moving back from him.
,, im pretty sure you made the first move by challenging me" he said moving forward.
,, that's not the case, and also you have a rehearsal in 3 minutes" i said slipping away from his ,cage' and went to my studio room.

As soon as i walked in i was met with the most prettiest dress i have ever seen.
(imagine any dress of your liking)
,, Oh my god! Maria this dress is absolutely beautiful!" i said feeling the fabric. ( Maria is the stylist )
,, I know right!!, you're gonna be shining on todays carpet!" she said even more excitedly.
,, should we try it on?" i asked.
,, yeah, quickly change so, i can start looking for the correct hairstyle and makeup" Anna said (the makeup artist)
,, okay" i said trying it on immediately.

,, It fits like a glove guyss" i said twisting and turning.
,, it really is an amazing fit" Maria said.
,, so i'm guessing we want the hair to be down, with light makeup" Anna said.
,, okay, we'll do everything at 2 p.m" Anna said.
,,sure so now i have some free time right?" i asked.
,,yep you can go to the hotel, but you have to be here exactly at 1:45 p.m. , that's what Elle told me" said Maria.
,,okayy, i'll change into something comfortable, i'll be in the center of the arena, where the ping pong table is" i said and changed into a comfortable summer dress:

,,okayy, i'll change into something comfortable, i'll be in the center of the arena, where the ping pong table is" i said and changed into a comfortable summer dress:

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While i was at the arena in a bean bag looking back at the photos from the cafe and wondering should i post them.
Ugh whatever everyone already saw us and that cideo now has 5 million views i thought.
I published the photos of me and Damiano, but added one with Elle and Benny so that it doesn't look suspicious.

I published them and as soon as i put my phone down i was met with a blonde girl which was too familiar.
,, omg, hi, i'm representing Greece this year, i love your style and i'm a fan" she said not catching a breath.
,, oh, hhahaha hi, you can sit with me if you want to" i said to her and she happily sat down.
,, my name is Stefania by the way!" she said happily.
,, my names Cindy!" i said
,, i know it's a bit early, but who gives you the inspiration for such beautiful outfits!" she asked.
,, oh, i just pick something comfortable? and most of my outfits my stylist picks for me" i answered.
,, so i should just go with what i want to wear." she said.
,, that's basically it!" i told her.

Right then Benny approached us.
,, Heyyoo ladies want to play some ping pong??!" he asked.
,, Yeahhh let's go i really wanted to play" i said getting up.
We went to the ping pong table and played a few round but Stefania had to go, so me and Benny were alone playing ping pong with some staff members running around.

Damiano POV:
I wonder where the hell she left?? The turquoise carpet is starting in 2 hours she wouldn't be anywhere far..
I walked to the arena center and saw her with a beautiful flower dress, that complimented her curves nicely. She was really laughing, and i smiled too until i saw who she was playing ping pong with..
Im srry, it's a short chapter, but i have too much school work. ly expect form me to be more active starting next monday.

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