Staring At The Man In The Mirror...

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February 28th 1989 Los Angeles California Cedars Sinai Medical Center 6:37 A.M.

"Push Ms. Jenkins push!" Dr. Harper says as I am in the stirrups sweating and pushing for dear life it seem.

"You can do this baby push one more time..." Michael being supportive next to me.

"Would you like to try this? If not than shut the hell up!" I yell at him pushing one last time it felt like my whole bottom rupture but I felt something slip out.

Soon crying filled the air and I exasperated my breathing hitched as they laid my beautiful baby on my chest.

"Congratulations it's a boy." Dr. Harper says as his soft skin touch mine all the crying stopped as he look me in the eyes.

"Aw Lilibeth he is beautiful thank you." Michael says and I cried.

"No thank you baby..." I kissed our son head before they took him to clean up and and wrap him in a blanket.

After cutting the umbilical cord and pushing out the sac they were stitching me up as they cleaned up our son and I laid up looking at the ceiling.

I felt joyed to bring our son into this world healthy but my mind lingered on the impending drama in our lives.

Lisa and her pregnancy has been a dark cloud over my life with Michael since that night of her bombshell. Mama Katherine is both mad and confused on how to feel she doesn't want neither of our children to be born out of wedlock but he can't marry us both.

I am not no sister wife and I really don't like her and she can't stand me so that's the only common ground we can meet on. Michael wants me to be this open and friendly person to her and allow our children to grow together but how can I?

After the doctor was done I was instructed to go to the bathroom then I was wheeled up to my room where I would recover with our baby for a few days. Michael wanted us to do a doula and waterbirth at home but I wanted the comfort of knowing my days won't be spent hearing anything about Lisa.

"He is so beautiful maybe we should call him Michael Jr.?" Michael says and I laughed.

"No I rather we not..."

"Come on Lilibeth I could use a junior to carry on my legacy..." he pleads.

"He is already going to carry on your legacy so no he needs a different name, my father or your father's name isn't bad..." I say and he laughs.

"We are not naming my son Earl and if you wanted Joseph you could of used my name his name is in mine..." Michael's makes fun of my dad's name but it's not bad.

"Alright scratch all of that I was thinking about this name all last month and maybe this is the name best suited for him...." I say.

"And that will be?"

"Kahlil like Kahlil Gibran the prophet, writer and artist?" I propose hoping he likes it.

"I don't know Lilibeth Kahlil Jackson? Eh well it does have a slight ring to it." He says making me want to throw something at him.

"Not when you say it like that..." I laughed.

"Well come on woman we got to name my son he cannot walk around nameless..." He says sitting down next to me.

"Why not? Prince did it and it was all the rage..." I say making him scowl.

"My son is not a Nelson so I don't care what the purple one did now what other name do you want?" He ushered me and for a minute I just stared at my baby as he slept watching him sleep in peace as the rise and fall of his chest had they own rhythm and a name came to my mind.

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