I Do, You Do, Do They Do?

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Saturday June 3rd 1989 2:30 p.m. 9850 Wilshire Blvd. Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills, CA

"Lilibeth? We made it." I hear Latoya's voice coming through my suite door.

"Hey I'm coming! See Michael our time is up you can not see me no more after tonight...So behave and I'll see you in the morning..." I say to Michael who was hiding out in my bedroom with me.

"Not even for a sneak peak quickie?" He kisses my neck and I laughed.

"No that's why Latoya voted us out from getting conjoined rooms." I say and he pouts.

"Michael Joseph Jackson I know you're in there holding my best friend captive you come on out now...You two have the whole honeymoon to shack up tonight she is ours!" Latoya says through the bedroom door.

"Busted...should we tell her we're not doing a honeymoon yet?" I ask him and he looks upset.

"Lilibeth we can still have a honeymoon...The court date hasn't been determined yet." He replies but he doesn't realize it's more than that.

"Michael I don't want to take any chances on her trying to jeopardize you getting Olivia and I don't want to miss this hearing that her mother called saying she has the paternal father here in the states..." I say sighing.

After Michael filed the injunction we got an immediate response from both Lisa and her mother Priscilla.

Lisa was of course livid that Michael knows he is not the father but more so because he refuse to leave me and marry her. She proposed that she and him get married and raise his kids together despite it all.

That was the first day I ever heard Michael used obscenities outside of the bedroom. He told her he was completely in love with me and there's nothing she could do to change that.

She of course is now counter-suing saying we manipulated her to give us her baby. She is a complete nutjob if she thinks that will stand.

Her mother got wind of the situation and apparently her and her daughter only slightly agrees. She is suing us and her daughter for custody on the grounds that her daughter had mental lapses of character in which she needs help for and that Michael is not the paternal parent and since she knows the paternal parent apparently she wants a judge to grant him and her custody.

Me and her mother only halfway agrees on the mental state of her daughter.

"Okay let's talk about this another time not this weekend and not tonight or tomorrow at the wedding I am so happy to be getting married to you finally..." Michael kisses me and I smile.

"I am too...I love you Michael..." I say feeling like its been forever since I said that to him.

"I love you Lilibeth Diana Jenkins soon to be Jackson..." He says before opening the door.

"Yeah yeah love this and love that now you mister will be leaving while us girls will be having some fun..." Latoya nags at him pushing him out the suite.

"Okay easy hey ladies y'all take care of my wife now she is a good girl remember that..." He says eventually leaving.

"Yeah now Lilibeth are you ready we are on our way to the spa and pool first. With the guys staying at the Radisson our girls time starts now." Latoya says and we get excited.

"Okay let's go I been working out all last month extra hard at the gym to try out my new bathing suit." Janet says and I giggle.

Heading down to the pool we enter the lobby and I see a face I didn't think I would see.

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