Our First Time

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Sunday December 31st 1978
7:30 p.m. New Years Eve Hayvenhurst Compound Encino California

"Michael come on out of there are you ready we have more guests arriving

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"Michael come on out of there are you ready we have more guests arriving..." My mother called from our family studio and I sighed.

"We're coming Mother..." I replied as Randy finished the last chord.

"This is going to be a great album Mike..." Randy says smiling as he stands up getting ready to leave with me.

"Thanks Randy I hope so the movie didn't do that well so I hope my fans still love me..." I replied as we exited the studio.

My parents were throwing a New Years Eve Party and I was a bit nervous about it seeing as Lilibeth and her family will be coming.

I haven't seen Lilibeth since we almost became one in my dressing room that night as I opted out of going to the after party.

I wanted to be with her so bad and I thought she did too but all she did was run away she must find me ugly.

I know I look like a monster but with Lilibeth she makes me feel otherwise too bad I am just a monster...

Walking into the sitting area I see so many faces as I smile and they wave back.

"Smelly what's shaking how the composition going?" Qunicy says to me making me smirk.

Music will forever be my passion and one of the only things that don't let me down next to dancing.

"Going real good I got Randy helping me string a few chords..." I reply as he nods.

"Katie is that you?" I hear Lilibeth's mother say and whipping my head around I see her standing next to her father who was talking to Joseph.

I had to get out of here this is too embarrassing not to mention she look so damn fine in her outfit why couldn't I been more handsome to be with her?

I had to get out of here this is too embarrassing not to mention she look so damn fine in her outfit why couldn't I been more handsome to be with her?

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Walking away I ended up in the kitchen trying to catch a breather before I run into her.

Sticking my head in the fridge the cool air seem to calm my hot nerves.

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