I Still Want You...

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Sunday February 14th 1988 Ebony's Photoshoot

"Yes darling work it you beauties are amazing!!!" Photographer Garth Bryan says as he shoots Zara and I for the March issue of Ebony.

"Okay flaunt that sexy and let's take a 5 minute break..." Garth says and I breathe a relieving sigh before I drink some water.

"So have you guys set a date yet?" Zara asked me and I felt a migraine coming on.

"No not yet..." These plans hasn't been going how I thought they would.

"Why not Di?" Zara knows a bit about my stress but not much.

"Well Berry has been super busy after the holidays and not really into the planning with me like he says whatever I want is fine but I want to feel like he wants to be apart of it, His daughter and him are at odds which makes me at odds and the cause my father and I are at odds and at this point I don't know if there's even going to be a wedding we may just elope..." I say and she sighs.

"Damn that's alot..."

"Yeah and not to mention with all his business trips and such I hardly see him and he hanging more with these women of his business than me I don't want to feel like I did with Michael so I don't bring it up I mean who am I to speak Zara?" I say before I could take it back.

"Di what you mean you and Michael's relationship isn't like this one you can't bring past things into a new relationship nor can you expect the past relationship and the new relationship to be like the same each man is different..." She says and I nod glad she didn't ask me anymore of that statement.

I almost told her I cheated on my fiancee I mean if he cheated on me it would only be fair right?

After the shoot I decided to head home hoping to spend the rest of my Valentine's weekend with my fiancee who should be home by now.

Entering the house I see the answering machine light on and decided to press play as I change into more comfortable clothes.

"You have 2 new messages...message one...Hey Diana this is Berry baby I am sorry but this business trip is going to run over until next friday there's still more ground I want to cover here in New York so I will see you when I get back and I'll make it up to you...Okay I love you and hope the planning is going great I think you will make the perfect vision come true..." The first message says and I sigh as I grab my wine glass and wine.

Why did I think he would actually make it back to me I don't know...

"Next Message...Hey Lilibeth...it's Michael I am home for a few days until I start up my tour again this time in the U.S and I wanted to know if we can meet up for lunch or dinner to talk these tabloids are a mess and I need a friend to talk to if you're not too busy with wedding planning let me know and tell Berry I said Hi..." The last message said and I was a bit shock.

Erasing the new message I dial his number hoping to reach him.

"Jackson's residence Randy speaking who am I talking to?" Randy answers and I smirk.

"Hey Randy this is Lilibeth..."

"Hey Lili how are you haven't seen you since Thanksgiving how's everything?" He asked me and I love how much apart of the Jackson family I am they all treat me so well.

"I'm good just working a lot say is your brother around?" I asked twirling the phone cord nervous.

"Which one? You know us Jacksons are a big clan..." Randy says laughing making me giggle too.

"Michael I just got his message when I came home just returning his call..." I say and Randy seem to snicker.

"Yeah he's around can't you hear him breathing on the other end, MICHAEL!!! Just talk to her...Okay Lili I'm hanging up talk to you later and don't be a stranger come by every once and a while okay..." Randy says before hanging up.

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