Where Do We Go From Here...

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April 29th 1989 1444 Moraga Dr Los Angeles California 7: 15 a.m

Walking into the house late I was expecting to see Lilibeth waiting up for me since I read her message that she wanted to talk.

All the lights were off though and it was stark quiet.

Walking upstairs I stop in to see Kairo fast asleep a smile appeared on my face but my heart pangs.

How can I be a great father to both my children without the other feeling unloved and abandoned?

Stepping into my bedroom I find Lilibeth passed out asleep her hair draping her face.

I've loved this woman since the first day we saw each other when I was just a little kid. We have been through so many obstacles and I feel as though she is my soulmate.

"Where did I go wrong Lilibeth?" I stroke her hair as I talk to her quietly.

"I just want to be a good man and a great father, I am afraid that my love for you and my duty to my children may come to blows and I honestly will be heartbroken if I have to choose my children over you....I will always love you and be in love with you but I will be a great father first...." I knew in my heart that my mind was made up that I will be a great father to both of my children.

"I am not asking you to choose me over your children nor am I asking you to be a unfair man all I am asking is to not be forgotten, to not be left aside and thrown away because you are tired of me and want her...." Lilibeth was awake I knew she was the minute she felt my hand in her hair and smell my scent next to her.

"Lilibeth Diana Jenkins soon to be Jackson I will never forget you or leave you I am completely in love with you I don't want to leave you I just want to be your husband and take care of my children..." I move the hair from her eyes which are puffy.

"Then let's take care of the children but before we do that something in my gut is telling me we can't trust Lisa so Michael let us test the children, I know in my heart Kairo is yours but to make sure she doesn't feel single out I am willing to get both children tested and if the test tells me she is having your child I will try to come to some common ground with her I am willing to compromise..." Lilibeth must of been thinking about this all night.

"Will this DNA test allow you to consider having her move closer and for us to work out some type of schedule for both of you and the children?" I asked wanted to test how open-minded she is willing to be.

"Yes I will reconsider all of it if she takes the test...." She surprised me with her response and maybe if she is willing we can put all of this behind us and work on our marriage and life.

"Alright I will tell Lisa but after the baby is born okay?" I move to kiss her lips and this time I didn't feel no pain, worry or restraint from her I felt passion.

The kiss took me back to our first in New York City all them years ago and I couldn't let her go, I push her back on the bed feeling her soft skin against her silk nightie.

"Mmm Michael..." Lilibeth try to pull away but I didn't want to let go.

"Lilibeth please...I miss you let me love you..." My lips finds her neck beneath her hair and I feel her vein pulsate she knows she wants me too.

"Michael it's been a while and my body..."

"Is fucking amazing and a beautiful piece of art..." I rip her nightie off sinking my mouth onto her neck her skin felt warmth but my shirt constrained me from her too much.

"Mmm Michael..." Her hands went through my curls and I knew she wanted me, I start to pull of my shirt pulling away ever so slightly just to drop my pants.

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