Motown LowDown

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Friday March 25th 1983 8:30 p.m. Pasadena Civic Center Pasadena California

"Because you want to sleep with him!!!" He yells at me as I shake my head holding back the tears.

Michael and I have been fighting lately and this is so unlike us.

Being together for four years after two years we told our families who were happy that we were together.

Although there was a bit of apprehension from Mama K at first she warmed to the idea rather quickly and Latoya joked all the time but she was happy.

Unfortunately now I am not as I look at the love of my life screaming his head off.

"What are you talking about Michael I do not want to sleep with Jeffrey..." I yell back as we pace around his dressing room.

"I see how he looks at you and how you look at him..." He yells at me making me jump a bit.

"Look at him? How the fuck am I looking at him when I'm only looking at you!!!" I yell as a tear managed to escape.

There was a knock on the door causing me to turn away to wipe my face to try and calm down.

"Come in..." Michael said through gritted teeth and I scoff.

"Hey Mike my man, Diana it's about 25 minutes until showtime good luck my boy and thank you so much for doing this..." Berry says as I ignore them both.

"No problem Berry..." Michael says and I can sense his jaw loosen from his tone of voice.

"Is everything okay you two?" Berry asked and I further ignore them.

"Yeah we're fine just discussing things I'll see you out there soon Berry..." Michael says ushering him out.

"Okay later Mike, later Diana..." He says and I thought about waving at him but then this argument with Michael would just get worse.

I don't know what has gotten into him lately but he is really showing me a side I never knew he could have and that's jealousy.

He didn't see me throwing a fit over him and Ola Ray rehearsing.

Although their rehearsals seem more friendly than I think they should be.

"Lilibeth I'm sorry for yelling I didn't mean to make you upset I just love you so much I don't want to lose you..." He says as his hands held my shoulders and I turn to face him.

"Come on no more crying I don't like when we fight..." He says kissing my lips and their it goes.

The spell I always fall under the kiss and make up.

He leans in to kiss me again and this time I hold on to him kissing him back until he moans.

Unzipping my dress his lips falter to my neck and I moan clutching his sequined jacket.

"Michael I hate fighting I rather we were loving..." I say as he slowly get us out of our clothes.

"I rather we were loving too baby I love you so much it hurts...Can you make it better?" He says silly pouting and soon there we were...

Pounding against the wall making love like the fight never happened...


There I sat in the audience next to Latoya and Mama Katherine as we waited for Michael to grace the stage.

Sometimes in our fights I realize just how immature he really is and it makes me think this can't last.

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