Family Fun Day

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May 1st 1989 Jackson Family Home 4641 Hayvenhurst Ave. Encino

"Michael and Lilibeth what a nice surprise...That's a big stroller don't tell me Kairo is in there by himself?" Mother greeted us at the door as today was family day and what perfect time to introduce Olivia.

"Hello Mother and no not just Kairo...Lisa had the baby and I want the whole family to meet her." I surprise my mother.

"She had a girl oh how precious well come on in like always you are the last one to arrive everyone is in the living room." She ushers us in and Lilibeth pushes the stroller in.

Its only day two and she already took a caring stride towards Olivia although she is still mad at me for not agreeing to the DNA test.

I am still unsure about it and I need to pick all my families brain about it.

"Michael finally oooh let me see my nephew!" Janet rushes to the stroller.

"Okay Dunk calm down I want all of you to wash your hands and get ready to meet your niece as well, Lisa has had the baby." I say.

"Oh did you bring her?" Latoya questioned kind of sarcastically.

"Uh no she had a hard time with labor and delivery she is in the hospital recovering while Lilibeth and I take care of the children." I say and now the energy in the room is off.

"Hm like she had a hard time."

"Excuse me did you say something Janet?" I ask as I couldn't quite hear what she said in her whisper.

Staring at each other she didn't have to say a word her eyes told the story.

"Alright I got the hand sanitizer so let's Mother hold her first what's her name Michael?" Randy says breaking the ice.

"Olivia Blythe Jackson." I say as I pick her up presenting her in the beautiful ruby velvet dress that Lilibeth managed to buy and dress her in with the matching headband.

"Oh Michael she is beautiful, Hi sweet angel." Mother was bonding quite nicely with her.

Lilibeth whom was quiet like a church mouse which is unusual for her she picks Kairo up out of the stroller and walks over to a chair to sit down.

The room's energy was still a bit off and Joe wasn't even in it.

"Mother where is Joseph?" I wonder why he was not around on family day.

"Oh he is in the den fiddling with something...Lilibeth come bring Kairo I want a picture with both children..." Mother says hogging up both of my children.

Leaving the room I head towards the den and so does my brothers.

"A dad of two Michael how does it feel?" My brother Jermaine asked.


"Of course its tough you got two women Mike." Randy smirks.

"I only have one woman...Don't do that." I felt a headache coming on.

"That's not how Mother sees it, You got two women and its wearing you down brother!" Jackie laughs.

"Leave the boy alone now y'all go on upstairs and leave Michael and me I need to talk to him." Joseph says.

"What is it now Joseph?" I asked as all my brothers leave.

"You are in deep shit my boy and you ain't even got no toilet paper to clean this bullshit up neither..." Joseph smirks and I couldn't help but laugh.

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