On and Off Again

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Friday February 14th 1986 Berry's House Los Angeles California

"Thank you all for coming to my 3rd annual Valentine's Day Lovers Bash! Enjoy the festivities Drink and be merry..." Berry says as he toast and the party roars again.

"Are you going to let loose and have fun Di?" Zara asked as she swayed to the music.

Janet's "What Have You Done For Me Lately" plays as Zara pulls me to the dance floor.

"This should be your jam come on Janet is basically telling you can you get over him and have fun he hasn't done anything for you lately..." Zara constant rebuffs about Michael annoys me.

"Zara quit it okay it wasn't like that we mutually agreed this is for the best..." I say as we danced a bit.

"Okay but you know you didn't want that you want him..." Zara says and I roll my eyes.

"My oh My is this the famous Diana Jenkins model to the stars?" I hear a voice and chuckle as I turn to see Tony in front of me cracking up.

"Hello Tony where your master giving you a break?" I say as I haven't seen Tony and Prince in a long time.

"No one's my master okay check yourself anyway My main man is over there with the illustrious Vanity while I am trying to get a taste of my own beauty...Hey beautiful..." Tony says to Zara who rolls her eyes.

"Tony get out of my face I told you once I told you 100 times you disgust me..." Zara says and I chuckle.

"And you make me hot let's fix all of that..." Tony pressed on as I walked away from them back to the bar.

Michael didn't show up tonight probably because of the relentless trashed tabloids and the last time we were together.

"Michael I saw how she look at you she wants you..."

"Diana she is just a friend a fan come on I thought we were past all of this..."

That night I knew it was toxic yet again we become so possessive over each other we can't help it.

He quickly shut me down with how he thrusted me against the wall the sounds of lips smacking and moans filled the room.

The love we made that night was almost spellbinding as we both knew we couldn't continue on with our hot and cold relationship.

But I never thought I would see a letter on the nightstand when I woke up and my house key...

Thinking back to his letter how he hated goodbyes with me and how much he love me and yadda yadda I was heartbroken.

He never gave me a chance to say goodbye or anything he just left...

Functions where we will see each other he often didn't show and buried himself into his music.

"Deep thinking huh Ms. Jenkins?" His deep voice pull me from my reverie.

"Huh? Oh Mr. Gordy Hi..." I say suddenly realizing my cheeks were wet and I wiped them.

"Please call me Berry and why is a beautiful woman like you crying at the most fun party I have thrown all year?" He says handing me a napkin.

"Oh thank you and sorry old thoughts sometimes creeps up I didn't mean to offend you at your party Mr...I mean Berry..." I say chuckling a bit and he smiles.

"You can't offend me I threw this party for all of my friends and love ones so they won't be alone and they could be happy what is it that I could do to make you happy Diana?" He asked me as I realize there was only a minimal space between us.

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