Fool Of Me

120 5 8

Friday July 22nd 1988 Lilibeth's House

I can't believe I am two months pregnant and I didn't realize it...

"So who's the daddy?" Zara asked me as we came back from my appointment and I plop on the couch.

"Michael...we are always in the moment never use a condom Berry didn't want to get me pregnant before the wedding..." I sigh as I place the papers in my counter draw.

"Well that's something he doesn't have to worry about huh?" Zara lightly joked and I glared at her.

"Zara what am I going to do Berry is going to know this isn't his baby and Michael isn't talking to me anymore since our last time I kind of ignored him and now he is pissed..." I say worried but a bit excited to be a mother.

"Well let's be honest Diana you don't love Berry you feel more obligated than anything it's best you end it now before it gets any more messier okay and as for Michael if he still acting like a child after you tell him than fuck it you got me your family and his he'll come around..." She says nonchalantly.

I nod and realize I need to finally dig myself out of this hole.

"Hello Diana baby what are you up to?" Berry's smooth voice made me even more nervous before I take a deep breath.

"Can we meet for dinner?" I ask and he chuckle.

"Yeah of course want to tonight?" He ask and I reply yes.

"Alright I'll make reservations tonight at our favorite restaurant and pick you up at 8 and don't ever be scared to ask to go out Diana..." He says and I nervously chuckle.

"Okay see you then..." I hang up and lay back on the couch.

"Well one hurdle up the next I don't know how to do I mean he is on tour for another year..." I say and Zara looks at me.

"Well looks like another road trip for us..." She says and I sigh before I go to take a shower.


Pacing I wait for Berry to take us to Chez Promenade.

He said he will be here at 8 and its already 8:30 making my nerves sink further.

I try calling Michael still he is avoiding my calls but his mother let me know where he will be by next week.

The doorbell ring which automatically stops my pacing but speeds up my breathing.

"Okay Lilibeth you can do this you have broken up with men before...just not men you were engaged to..." I say to myself before I open the door.

"Looking strikingly beautiful as ever I apologize for my lateness business ran late..." He says and I smirk before nodding my head and following him to the limo.

"So Diana look I understand that I have been..." Berry's phone rings interrupting his speech.

"Go on take it we will talk at dinner..." I say looking out the window to collect my thoughts.

I am about to admit to cheating and conceiving a child outside my relationship I really can't get mad at him, Michael was right.

Our relationship been over I just didn't have the heart to face it.

Arriving at our table I opted for one outside and away from the view of others as what I'm about to say will embarrassed us both.

"So like I was trying to say Diana I am so sorry..."

"Why don't you call me by my name?" I asked as it's really interesting that during my whole relationship with Berry he never called me Lilibeth.

"What do you mean your name is Diana...?" He says sipping the champagne he got for the table I don't touch mine.

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