To Test or Not To Test?

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May 2nd 1989 ArcPoint Labs
8620 Sorensen Ave Suite #4, Santa Fe Springs, CA

"Michael are you ready?" Lilibeth asked me as we have arrive outside the DNA testing center and I can't lie I am a little nervous.

"Can I be honest? I am nervous and feel as though I am making a violation of trust right now." I confess to Lilibeth.

"Michael honey you're not violating any trust okay I understand you're nervous but you're not alone and to be fair you are testing both children so honestly no one should be upset you're not favoring one over the other you are treating them both the same." She reminds me and I sigh.

She is not wrong I am testing both children as to not single one out from the other.

"Okay let's go in." I say as Bill opens the door.

I hold Olivia in my arms while Lilibeth holds Kairo.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Jackson I am director Stevenson here at ArcPoint Labs privacy is important and detrimental to our clients so I already inform my staff that your paperwork will be filed under the name Jacoby and they already signed the NDA's that your lawyer faxed over and I took the liberty to fax them over to your lawyer Mrs. Jackson and I have copies for you guys as well..." Director Stevenson says.

Lilibeth took extra precautions that I am happy for because if the press got wind of this I'll be crucified by my fans and probably my business connections too.

"Would you two please follow me and if I may say these two are the most adorable precious little children I have ever seen." She gushes about the babies before leading us into a white sterile looking room with television and some magazines.

"If you'll wait right here I will go get the lab technician to come right away." She leaves us and Lilibeth begins cooing with Kairo.

Olivia grabs my finger and my heart begins to melt and ache. What if Lisa finds out and takes Olivia away from me before she had a chance to know me....

"Breaking news musician and legend's daughter Lisa Marie Presley has checked her self out of Mount Sinai's psychiatric wing. The star is visibly not pregnant anymore we are currently reaching out to the singer's ex Michael Jackson for a response." My eyes widen at this news story.

"They did not I am just now finding out about this!" I huff at the lies of this news story.

"Michael calm down we don't want you to scare the children look call Bill and see if he can get some answers." Lilibeth says and I nod picking up my phone.


"Bill I need you to send someone over to Mount Sinai and figure what happened I am watching the news and the tabloids already spewing lies I need facts..." I say noticing the lab technician coming in.

"Alright Copy..." Bill hangs up.

"Good morning my name is Heather and I will be your lab technician now the procedure is really simple we are doing Paternity Diagnostics today so I will need to swab both children and the father in question." She says pulling out her bag of supplies I am guessing.

Father in question? I am very much not in question I am these two kids father since I laid eyes on them. Lilibeth must of saw my facial expression as her hand rubs mine.

"Okay papa bear open up." She says handling a big Q-tip and aiming right for my mouth.

Allowing her to swab the inside of my cheeks she puts the swab into a vial and proceed to move onto the children. 

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