I Put A Spell On You...

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Wednesday June 8th 1988 Gothenburg Sweden The Radisson Blu Suite 1207 7:30 p.m.

What am I even doing? I'm not suppose to be here but I couldn't turn his invitation down...

"Lilibeth meet me in Sweden..."

"Michael I can't, I'm planning my wedding..."

"A wedding you're planning alone...he keeps breaking promises to you wasn't he suppose to take no more business trips after Chicago?"

"Michael it's complicated..."

"But we were never complicated when you call for me I was always there..."

"Not true Michael look this got to stop he is going to get suspicious..."

"If you wanted it to stop you wouldn't be biting your lip and thinking about me..."

He was right that night I was biting my lip thinking about him I haven't stop since Valentine's day.

"Michael I can't..."

"Please Lilibeth I need you, I miss you..."

"But what about..."

"Don't think about it just follow your heart and I'll meet you at the Radisson in Gothenburg Sweden room 1207 okay and wear only a trench coat and that red dress I love you in...I'll make it worth it..."

"Michael I..."

"You won't have to feel alone any longer Lilibeth and neither will I..."

Those was his last words before he hung up and I planned a trip to meet him in the exact place he asked.

I told Berry I was going to hangout with Zara in Sweden to take a break from the wedding business.

Which wasn't a complete lie Zara was in Sweden on business for a shoot for a few days, she knows about the affair and she is adamant that I need to just get back with Michael.

But it's not that easy I have two men's hearts dangling for me and I hate to hurt either one of them.

I haven't told Latoya as this is her brother we are talking about and she may definitely hate me if she knew.

Hearing soft jazz music I knock on the door wearing exactly what he asked.

The door opens and there he is standing looking amazing making me bite my lip

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The door opens and there he is standing looking amazing making me bite my lip.

I unravel the trench coat and his eyes stare heavily as he pulls me in against the door.

Kissing me I missed his lips as his hands palm over my hips.

"Mhmm I been thinking about you Lilibeth...I need you baby..." He says holding my face looking me in my eyes.

"Well I'm here..."

"Not like that baby I need you need you, have you thought about it Lilibeth about us?" He says taking my jacket off as I walk into the suite further.

"Yes but Michael I told you..." His lips captured mine as my arms wrapped around his neck.

"As long as you been thinking that's all I want to know at least I am in your thoughts..." He says kissing the side of my neck.

"And my dreams..." I moan as he carries me towards the bedroom.

Nina Simone I Put A Spell On You begin playing and he strips himself out of his clothes.

"Time to make them dreams a reality..." He says as he begins to strip me and I curl my toes anxiously.


Waking up to kisses and the smell of breakfast my eyes flutter open to see Michael wrapped around my body kissing me all over.

"How long have I been out?" I asked stretching.

"In total or in between rounds?" He ask chuckling and I pop him.

"What you got to be specific Lilibeth..." His kisses turn me on yet again making me straddle his lap wasting no time.

"Hm someone's been waiting on me..." I moan as our rhythm picks up.

"I always want you Lilibeth, you're mine and you know it..." He whispers flipping us over pounding into me.

As I run my hand up his chest I notice another ring on my finger.

Before I can register anything his powerful thrusts knock me back into our love session.

"Say you're mine Lilibeth tell me you're mine...." He begs and it turns me on and out.

"I'm yours Michael!!!" I scream and in that moment we both released hard holding each other tight for dear life.

Kissing my temples he stares me in my eyes.

"Than marry me not him..." The seriousness in his voice was enough to shock me.


"You heard me marry me Lilibeth I love you it has always been you and you love me too so let's stop playing games..." He says and my mind starts to spin.

Before I can answer him I jump up running to the bathroom to puke.

"Lilibeth are you okay?" He knocks on the door and the puke just keep coming.

"Michael look I can't just end one engagement and pick up the next..." I say after the vomit finally settles.

"Baby why not you love me right?" He ask and I look at him.

"Yes I do..."

"And you say you are mines right?"  He goes on tipping my chin.

"Yes but that was a moment of passion..." I try to protest.

"Passion that you only enjoy with me tell me when you're with him is it as hot as it is with me or are you thinking about me and everything I will can and have done to you?" He ask kissing my lips.

"But Michael it's going to break his heart..." I look into his brown eyes making my lip quiver.

"He lived a full life he will be fine..." Michael jokes and I shake my head smirking.

"Not funny Michael..."

"And I am not trying to be I am serious Lilibeth..." He says sighing as he walks away.

"Can you give me time to think about it?" I ask and he starts to get dressed.

"Yeah...just don't take too long I don't know how much more my heart can take...look you can stay here and rest since you're not feeling too good I got to go to rehearsal alright know that I love you but I won't share you no more..." He says kissing my forehead before he gives me a extra room key and leaves and I sigh.

I really dug myself deep in this one huh Lilibeth...

Feeling more puke come up I wonder why do I feel so damn sick....

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