Custodial Guardianship

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Monday July 10th 1989 600 South Commonwealth Avenue Los Angeles California

"The hearing is starting soon are you guys ready?" George asked us as we wait in the Los Angeles Superior Courthouse.

"Yes come on Lilibeth." Michael says holding my hand as he holds Olivia.

Today was the day we read the paternity results of Olivia and Lucas. Michael was hoping he was not the father but just looking at him proved more to us than the results.

They shared the same reddish brown hair and blue eyes. And that was something that made Michael nervous.

At the first hearing the judged ruled if it's determined that Lucas was the father than he would be granted custody and Michael thought about running away with Oliva, Kairo and I.

I convinced him that it would only be worst and that all is not over. We have done very good at raising her for the last 2 and a half months.

What he doesn't know is I think I am pregnant I am waiting for my test results today. I want to wait until I am sure and once this is over and he can focus but it hurts me just as much. I have grown close to Olivia since she came home. I wasn't trying to for fear that her mother would take her away from us as soon as we were married but I couldn't help it she was very loveable.

Walking into the court room we were seated at a table away from Lisa and also away from her mother and Lucas. They released Lisa from the mental ward just for the hearing they are calling her fiasco at our wedding a nervous breakdown.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Smith of L.A County courts..." The bailiff says and we stand.

"Please be seated, before we read the results I have Ms. Flowers from social services here and she will be taken the child until the end of my ruling and giving the child to the custodial guardian of my choosing, Ms. Flowers the child please..." He instructed and Michael handed Olivia to the social services lady.

She began fussing although she could still see us. The social services lady tried to consoled her but to no avail it wasn't helping. Lisa offered to console her but Olivia just screamed louder scaring Lisa a bit.

"Your honor may I try to console her? Here Ms. Flowers she likes if you hold her against your shoulder and sing The itsy bitsy spider while rubbing her back in circular motions." Michael says and showed her just how.

Olivia instantly calms down which is not surprising since she been a Daddys girl since she came home. She lights up when she sees Michael and I know this is going to be hard for him especially.

"Alright before we begin I must say it always sadden me to see a child pitted against adults who just want to use that child to inflict hurt upon each other. I hope this is not the case but I will allow for each party to stake their claim, starting with the Jacksons." Judge Smith says.

"Thank you your honor, I will be honest when I first filed this injunction it was because I was hurt I just found out the little girl I grown to love biologically was not mine and although I signed the birth certificate and have taken care of her and her mother long before the labor and delivery I felt cheated out of a opportunity to have Olivia as my daughter. Your honor I promise my wife and I only cares about what is best for Olivia and I wouldn't even ve fighting her mother for custody if I wasn't concerned about her safety." Michael begun.

"Olivia was a induced labor a choice made by her mother to ingest chemicals to speed up labor to hide paternity and that could of killed her and my daughter. After giving birth Lisa has not exhibit any signs of mental stability not none suited to raise a child. Now if the results turn out that Lucas is the father your honor I have no qualms about giving him Oliva. I just want her to be raised in a loving and safe home where she can flourish and as long as that is the end result I do not wish to fight that." Michael ends his statement and I am proud of him.

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