Meeting Diana

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Wednesday June 30th 1971 Hayvenhurst Compound Encino California 3:30 p.m.

"Are you ready Latoya they will be here any minute now..." My mother called out to my bubble head sister as I was playing with my new kitten outside.

"I'm coming mother I am ready!!!" Latoya finally descended the stairs with her big head and annoying voice.

Mother motion for me to come inside and so I carried my kitten inside and soon stood with all my brothers.

Old friends of mother and Joseph are coming today and apparently the family haven't seen them in a long time since I was born and I wonder what the big deal was.

I mean they are just guests and they are going to stay here and I don't even know them what if I don't like them?

The car pulls up and I realize Joseph is back and the long awaited guests has arrived.

"Alright I want everyone on they best behavior that means Marlon and Michael no pranks and shenanigans okay?" Mother says and we nodded.

The door opens up and in walks these two people.

The man was tall and big and his voice was so deep it scared me a bit, it was way deeper than Joseph's.

The woman was short and sweet like how Mother is and she had a basket in her hand which meant there was bound to be food in there.

As I try to think about what type of food it could be in there a girl with long blackish brown hair and caramel skin walk in and instantly she was attacked with a bear hug from my sister Latoya.

"Lilibeth!!!" Latoya screech and I had to cringe to bear the sound.

"Latoya!!! It's been forever how are you?" Her voice was amazing she was the prettiest girl I seen since meeting Diana Ross.

"Oh my lord is this little Michael?" Her mother says blocking my view of the gorgeous Lilibeth.

"Oh yes he is not so little no more our youngest kids are now Randy and Janet..." Mother says as my brothers help them with their bags to the guest room.

"Hi..." I shyly say still standing next to Mother.

"Hi Michael I 'member when ya was first born oh I hope you still have a sweet tooth like your mother has been writing 'cuz I brought ya some sweets..." Ms. Jenkins as I learn her name says.

"Yeah I love sweet things..." I say smiling from ear to ear.

Placing my kitten on my shoulder Ms. Jenkins gave me a chocolate brownie that seem to be mix with a cookie I don't know but it look delicious.

I took it running off to eat it eagerly as Mother rarely let us have sweets before dinner.

"Michael sweetheart be careful okay and when you finish wash up for dinner..." Mother calls to me and I nod.

"You remember my little brother Michael don't you?" Latoya says as she grabs two waters for her and Lilibeth.

"Of course I remember when he was just three and he had a few teeth missing but he would always jump around and goof off he was so adorable then and he still so cute now..." She says as she scuffles my afro and I smile shyly.

Oh my gosh she touch me, she touch my hair and she thinks I'm cute...

"Is this your pretty kitten?"

"Yes Lulubeth..." I say mispronouncing her name making her giggle.

"That's Lilibeth Michael but you know what you can call me Diana since I am going to start modeling and that's the name I'll be using..." She says and my smile widens.

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