Mrs. Jackson or Not?

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January 27th 1989 Los Angeles California Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena 12:25 A.M.

"Thank you everyone this has been an amazing tour I love you goodnight!!!" Michael's voice boom through the stadium as I watched him from backstage.

Being 8 months pregnant it was hard being with Michael on tour but he refused to not have me with him anymore.

And he was very helpful in between shows and rehearsals but now we are home and I am more than happy especially our family.

"I am so proud of him..." Mama Katherine says as we marvel at her son.

Our parents were more than delighted to know Michael and I were together and having a baby.

Like I said they been putting on the pressure for us to be married but I don't want it to be forced if it's meant to be it will be.

"Where's my queen and my little one?" His voice pierced through my thoughts as I turn to see his sweaty face appear in the doorway.

"Michael you did amazing..." I say smiling kissing his lips as we embrace.

"You think so?" He ask me and I nod at the same time our baby kicked his hand.

"Ooh you think so too baby Jackson huh?" He loves kissing and talking to my bump.

"You did amazing son I am proud of you..." Mama Katherine says hugging her son.

"Thanks Mama..."

"We will see you guys tomorrow night at the party to celebrate get some rest and take care of my future daughter in law I hope...she can go into labor at anytime..." Mama Katherine further push and I blush.

"Will do mama goodnight everyone!!!" Michael says as our family file out leaving us alone.

Michael changes out of his clothes as I rub my bump relaxing against the couch.

What seem like 30 minutes was only 10 as I soon felt lips against my neck and a smile spread across my face.

"Mr. Jackson uh huh me and baby Jackson is tired..." I open my eyes to see my silly man in front of me.

"Come on let me take my family home..." He held his hand out and help me to my feet we entering the limo dodging paparazzi and heading to my house.

Seeing that we have to go to his parents for his celebration party we thought staying at my house would be better since his is farther away.

Walking into the house I notice rose petals on floor and a smile spread across my face.

"Michael when did you have time to do this?" Wrapped up in his embrace I felt more happier than I have ever felt.

"I'll always make time for you the future Mrs. Jackson and Baby Jackson..." He kisses my bump making me giggle as the doorbell rings.

"Were you expecting someone?" He asked me and I was confused who could I be expecting at damn near 2 a.m. after finishing this tour with him.

"No..." I say walking towards the door opening it up my eyes widen and my smile fell.

"So you really are pregnant hmph...Where's Michael?" Lisa says standing at my door looking crazy.

"Lisa what are you doing here and how did you know I was going to be here?" He asked from behind me as we both were confused.

"I follow you from the arena I try to get backstage but your terrible security wouldn't let me through or even let me send you a message probably because this bitch scheme to keep me away...I need to talk to you Michael!" Lisa whines and I roll my eyes feeling the anger start to rise.

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