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Wednesday November 18th 1987 Berry's House 8:30 p.m.

"There goes the queen of the hour

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"There goes the queen of the hour..." Berry's voice says as I descended down the stairs.

I look around the room and see so many faces and instantly get nervous.

A small smile played upon my lips as I hug him.

"Thank you for the party Berry..." I respond as he kiss my cheek.

"Anything for you my love..." He responds kissing my lips.

"Why daddy don't swarm the girl come on Diana I want you to meet someone..." Hazel says pulling me off her father's arm towards the fireplace.

"Who do you want me to meet Hazel?" I asked as I looked confused.

"Don't tell me you forgot about me Diana..." His voice gave me chills as I close my eyes remembering the last time we saw each other.

"Diana please I want you to be my first..." His cinnamon breath hit my nostrils pulling me close.

"But Michael I couldn't possibly..." His lips covered mine as his hand went up my skirt.

I didn't flinch his touch felt natural to me as he pull me onto his lap.

Soon my top was almost off but there was a knock on the door.

"Diana come on Zara and I are waiting for you so we can go to the after party come on!!!" Latoya's voice says bringing me from my reverie.

"Diana you remember Michael right?" Hazel ask me shaking me from my memories.

"Uh yeah hey Michael..."

"Diana you look so lovely tonight sweetheart come let us talk..." He pulls my hand as he hands me a champagne glass and we disappeared towards the pool.

"So Michael you look good the album is really nice..." I say as he walks us towards the poolhouse.

"Hm so are you going to stop this small talk and let us pick up where we left off..." He says pinning me to a wall.

"Michael I can't...Mmhmm..." His lips was on my neck as he grip my ass tight.

His kisses made my skin set on fire as he took me in his hands.

"Yes Diana you know you want me girl...What are you even doing with Berry anyway?" He says sitting me ontop of the counter.

"Michael I love him..." I say not so convincing.

"Don't lie to me Lulubeth..." He says messing up my name.

"It's Lilibeth matter of fact my name is Diana and I don't appreciate you coming in here trying to have your way with me..." I say gulping down my champagne as I jump down from the counter.

"Who is trying I was going to..." He says closing the space between us.

I get so nervous around him since that last time we were together.

"Michael...look your too young for me your my best friend little brother and I am in a committed relationship with Berry..." I say holding my breath.

"A man old enough to be your father is that what your into huh Diana because I can always dye my hair gray..." he jokes making me snort.

"Shut up Michael move I got to get back to the party okay..." I say pushing past him but his arm wraps around my waist stopping me pulling me back to his chest.

"Diana...please don't leave me..." His voice whispers in my ear as he caress my arm leaving a kiss on my shoulder.

Sighing I break away from his embrace rejoining the party.

"Ah there she go okay everyone I have a announcement to make..." Berry says passing me a champagne flute and grabbing one himself.

Michael rejoins the party disappearing into a corner watching me intently.

"This woman here has been the best part of my life since my children and career...This last year has been the best year of my life and I want to keep it going..." He says smiling at me and again all eyes on me in internally I am nervous but on the surface I remain coy and confident.

"Diana Jenkins will you do the honor and marry me?" Berry says bending down on one knee with a ring shocking everyone including Hazel who drop her glass.

Looking around the room everyone awaited my answer and I look into Berry's eyes uncertain and scared.

"Uh...Yes..." I say hoping it was the right thing to say.

Smiling he scoop me up hugging me and kissing me as he slip the ring on my finger.

"This is now a engagement party everyone party hard..." Berry says as I turn to see Michael's face filled with gloom as he walked out the mansion and maybe out of my life...

" Berry says as I turn to see Michael's face filled with gloom as he walked out the mansion and maybe out of my life

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