Come Back To Me

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Tuesday January 24th 1984 Shrine Auditorium Los Angeles California

"Okay Michael we are going to do one more run through okay?" Phil the commercial overseer says and I nod as I sip my water.

Its been about 10 months since Lilibeth and I broke up and my heart and mind has been in shambles.

I regret a lot of the things I said especially about her not loving me.

I don't want to believe she don't everything she said to me made me feel loved.

When she kissed me and made love I felt our hearts connect.

But I let my foolish ego get in the way.

I try to call her after a few days but she left for her press campaign.

"Ready Baby Bro?" Jackie asked and I smile getting to my mark.

"Okay Ready...Action!!!" Phil yell and I begin to do a few dance steps to get to the top....


"Mama do you think he is okay?" I say turning to my parents as we exit the hospital parking lot towards the burn unit.

"Trust in God Lilibeth and he shall help us overcome..." My mama say as we entered the corridor.

"Mama Katherine...Papa Joe..." I say hugging them with tears in my eyes.

I was touching down from Europe heading to my house when my parents called me.

They don't live that far from the Jacksons since I made a permanent stay in California and they let me know that Michael has been hurt.

Even though we have broken up I care for him deeply and I am anxious and petrified that something happen that may not let me speak to him again.

"Oh Lilibeth I am glad you're here he is in this way I think you seeing him may help..." Mama Katherine says as I nod and wipes my flowing tears.

Holding on to the room door I take a deep breath before I open the door.

Looking at him laid up in the hospital in pain my heart broke for him.

"Michael?" I call out as his face look up at me with a tear.

"Lilibeth? You came?" He asked nervously and with an embarrassed look on my face.

"Of course Michael are you okay?" I ask approaching the bed and stroking his face.

"Yeah a little embarrassed for you to see me like this but so happy to see you...Lilibeth I miss you..." He says his lips lightly brushing against my skin.

"Michael I..."

"Lilibeth can I get one kiss please it will really help the pain..." He pouts and I chuckle.

He is still very much in my heart and it makes me want to just give myself back over to him but I really can't do that.

"Michael that's not a good idea since we're not getting back together I am here for you as a friend..." I say as he continues to pout.

"I know friends nothing more but I feel like I need a goodbye kiss and I can really start the healing process..." He jokes and I roll my eyes.

"One kiss nothing more and no tongue..." I warn him and he smiles.

Leaning in my lips melt with his as this kiss was really the wrong idea....

September 17th 1984 5:00 p.m. Montreal Olympic Stadium Montreal Canada

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