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Wednesday February 28th 1992 4546 White Oak Avenue, Encino California

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Kairo, Happy Birthday to you!" We sing for my son's 3rd birthday.

I can't believe he is already three and his sister is two and three quarters. Lilibeth is also 5 months pregnant and I haven't seen her happier.

"Go ahead and blow out the candles Kairo." I encourage him and he listens clapping his hands after.

"I did it daddy!!" He says and I smile.

"Yes you did baby boy alright go ahead and play with your sister and cousins while Uncle Prince, Uncle Tony and I cut the cake." I say putting him down from the table so he can play.

Cutting the cake I watch as Lilibeth sat on the lawn swing rubbing her belly and listening to Latoya give names for the babies.

"Twins Lilibeth!!! This is amazing I mean probably not for you to be pushing out two kids at once but twins yippee!!" Latoya and her voice never gets old literally.

"Well I will be having my first C-section due to my age and the risk with having multiples...but I am super excited I hope its another boy and girl." She says and I smile.

After we lost the second baby times were very hard and I worried about whether she would ever be happy again. But then we got news that she was pregnant again, and I don't think she smile harder than when she found out it was two babies.

My Lilibeth went straight into healthy mom mode to ensure she has healthy twins.

"Okay kids the cake is cut come and line up to get your slice!" I yell out to them.

"So twins big man that must be exciting you catching up to me." Tony says and I laughed.

"No one can catch up to you and Gina Tony y'all got six kids now and I think Lilibeth and I are done after the twins she just want to focus on the four kids and not add any more, how do you do it?" I asked him as Gina had her last baby the year Lilibeth lost our child.

That was especially a hard time for her to be supportive in public and then breakdown in private because of the lost. After becoming pregnant she really picked up her spirits but we don't talk about the baby we lost.

"A nanny and lots of trips to Chuck E Cheese and Uncle Michael's house..." He laughs.

"I do not know why you two always complain I love being a dad and a husband..." Prince says waving to his wife Zara.

Prince and Zara got married in 1990 and then had their son Benjamin last year. I was happy that he finally found love and created a family.

"Nobody is complaining about being a dad or a husband Nelson trust me I love being a dad and a husband do you see my wife she is the sexiest thing living." I say smiling at her.

"Uh huh...so Jackson are you nervous? Two more years before you can solidify Olivia qs your daughter, I do think that ruling is bullshit though...I mean you and Lilibeth is all this little girl knows and to try and rip her away from y'all is cruel." Prince says and I shake my head.

"Yeah I know that's why I have George working on a way to bypass all of that and let me and Lilibeth fully adopt Olivia since Lisa's parental rights has been terminated." I say to them.

After the court ruling Lisa had yet another breakdown and broke into our old house and try to kill me in front of Lilibeth and the kids.

The courts took away her parental rights indefinitely and I have a restraining order against her and she doesn't know where we live know so that's good. But George isn't sure we can fully adopt as of yet he is still working through some paperwork.

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