Our First Kiss

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Friday May 27th 1977 Studio 54 New York City 9:00 p.m.

"Hey Michael..." One of the attendants say as I entered the club.

After that amazing night with Lilibeth I became a regular here at the club.

Latoya, Lilibeth, Zara and I became close cool friends although they all seen me as the little brother type and I want Lilibeth to see I am a man.

Tonight she is suppose to be here without Zara and without Latoya.

Latoya had a date with some stockbroker she met here a few nights ago and Zara had a modeling shoot in Europe.

So tonight will be the night I make my move.

I notice her on the dance floor laughing and dancing and this was my chance.

Putting my arm around her waist I smile as she turn to look at me.

"Applehead oh wow I didn't know you were going to be here tonight hey..." She says hugging me and I could hold her forever and a day.

"Yeah well made no sense in sitting home by myself and Latoya got her date she would probably coming back home with later..." I say as she pulls me with her to her table.

"I'm so glad you're here I want you to meet some friends of mine, This here is Tony, that's my girl Gina and this is Prince you know him the musician..." Diana says and I wave to everyone.

So much for us being alone together tonight....

"Hey I'm Michael..." I say as I sit down listening to the music.

"Ooh Diana let's go get some drinks..." Gina says and Diana nods.

"Want anything to drink Michael?" She asked me and man I can stare into her eyes forever.

"Uh yeah a Crown Royal on the rocks please...Here this round is on me..." I say giving her enough cash for all our drinks and she smiles before heading off with Gina.

"You're in love with her right?" Prince says and I am taken off guard by him.

"What?" I nervously chuckled.

"Right Tony? He is in love with Ms. Diana Jenkins..." He asked Tony who chuckled.

"Yeah he been hit by cupid..." They laugh and I roll my eyes.

"We are just friends we go way back..." I say bumping my head to the music.

"Look man it's okay she is gorgeous as hell and I was in a similar situation as you too, Do you know who Patrice Rushen is?" Prince asked me.

"The Jazz singer yeah?" I say a bit confused.

"Well she is the love of my life man and I will get with her because I have a secret want to know what it is?" He asked me leaning over whispering.

"Sure what is it?"

"I'm smoother than a buttermilk biscuit my brother..." He says making Tony laugh and I chuckle.

"Oh really well good luck to you brother..." I say chuckling.

"Look all I am saying Mike can I call you Mike? Look you want her go and get her and I'll even help you right Tony?" Prince says and Tony nod as the girls came back with the drinks.

"Okay here is your Bourbon Tony, and your Red Wine Prince and A Crown Royal Whiskey on the rocks for you Michael..." Diana says as we sit down and start drinking and talking.

Soon a jamming beat begin to play and Prince nod at me this was my chance.

"Hey Diana want to dance?" I ask as she smile and we got up and got down on the dance floor.

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