A Broken Heart (Part 27)

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On the other hand her phone in the dark cabin lit up. A notification flashing

Message from Rishabh: Can we meet?


Prerna couldn't believe that she was sitting waiting for Rishabh at the cafe right next to Anurag's office. This was probably a really bad idea. She had promised herself that she wouldn't meet Rishabh again, for the sake of her love for Anurag. When he wrote to her she had clearly denied, an obvious thing to do sighting recent activities. But when he said that it was because of Aarini she couldn't help it. So here she was for a brief meeting with the man she had kissed. Waiting rather impatiently fro him to arrive. 

Prerna  was never the patient kind anyway, she toyed with the edge of the wooden table as she thought about Anurag. Its like they had moved from strangers to friends to lovers only to become strangers again. They were right where they started. Whoever said that life was a circle was bloody right and she was hating this merry go round nature of her life. 

Prerna- This better be justified well 

Prerna practically yelled as Rishabh walked over to their table, it was more of a warning for him to choose his next words wisely. 

Rishabh- Aarini relapsed

The wind was knocked out of Prerna's chest. 

Prerna- WHAT!? When? How? Is she okay? Where is she now? I want to meet her 

Rishabh sighed 

Rishabh- A week ago, she was doing fine and suddenly I get a call from her school saying she fainted. We rush her to the hospital and the doctor tells us the cancer is back. She's still in the hospital. 

He takes a brief pause

Rishabh- Believe me Prerna, I hadn't seen her so happy in months. She was recovering perfectly, it had been exactly 17 months that she was cancer free and then this. I didn't want to bother you, I know us meeting can create problems, trust me I tried to hold it off but Aarini refuses to eat without meeting you. She wouldn't take even take her medicines until she sees you 

Prerna- Why did you wait Rishabh? When we parted ways I had made it clear that if its baout Aarini you will not think twoce before calling me. She is more than just your daughter to me. She is my little angel and I love her like my own. You know that! Why hide this? 

Rishabh- I didn't mean to hide it. You love Anurag, I can see it in your eyes when you talk about him, and he loves you too. More than you can imagine. I know I have unintentionally caused problems and I don't want to cause more. 

Prerna's eyes narrowed 

Prerna- How do you know he loves me? 

Rishabh- Met him the other day, saw it on his face

Suddenly Prerna's eyes land on Rishabh's bruised lip. 

Prerna- What happened to your lips? Looks brutal 

Rishabh smiled 

Rishabh- Courtesy of your husband

Prerna's eyes widened 

Prerna - He punched you 

Rishabh laughed 

Rishabh - Yup, quite strong I must say. But I had it coming.

Prerna smiled

Prerna- he let you off easy you know

Rishabh- I know

A silence enveloped the table

Rishabh - can you come to the hospital in a few hours

Prerna- Sure, message me the address i'll be there

Rishabh- Bring Anurag, will keep him at ease

Prerna- I'll see...

Prerna's mind wandered to her conversation with Komolika. Finding her relationship at the verge of crumbling she had confided in Komolika about recent happenings


Komolika- You what!?

Prerna- I know, I know. I made a terrible mistake. But that is all it is a terrible mistake.

Komolika- Mistake or not Prerna you cheated on him

Prerna- I know, but I want to make things right, but he is practically ignoring me. It's like I don't even exist.

Komolika- What did you expect Prerna? Him handing you bouquets of flowers?

Prerna rolled her eyes

Komolika- Roll your eyes all you want, but I know he loves you. A lot, the fact that he hasn't practically thrown divorce papers in your face already tell me that.

Prerna- I know, but I need help to make this right.

Komolika- What can I do for you?

Prerna- I have a plan....

Flashback Ends

Well there goes her plan. She loves Aarini and will practically do anything for that child but visiting Aarini means spending more time with Rishabh. It's not like she can't trust herself around him, but Anurag won't be able to trust her and she can't blame him for that. 

Prerna- I'll see you at the hospital

Prerna will go to meet Aarini but this would jeopardise her relationship with Anurag, should she ask him to come along? No. That is basically inviting trouble. Something told her that Anurag and Rishabh in one room won't end well. Rishabh's bleeding lip was practically evidence. 

Prerna's heart was breaking again and she could do nothing but watch. She had to come up with a solution and fast. 


And that's the update! A little short but hope you enjoyed it!

Next update 30th June

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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