The Everlasting Night (Part 13)

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I glanced at my watch as we walked around and about the streets.

Prerna- Anurag we must go the party is in some time.

He nodded, we went back into the car and drove off back to the hotel.


Anurag left to meet someone, it seemed more like a business trip than a honeymoon to me now! I fiddled with my fingers, getting bored... and then an idea struck me. I hopped down from the leather couch lifted my bag and was about to dash out for some shopping when a velvet box caught my attention.

I put my bag down and opened the velvet box to find a 3 carat diamond ring and it was a princess cut. I stared at the ring in awe and slowly lifted it from the box and slid the ring on my finger. It was beautiful. I picked up the small fluttering piece of paper and read the note

So sorry for having to go, will be back in an hour, xoxo

I smiled at the note, I looked back at the ring on my finger it looked...magical

I then grabbed my bag and left for the cool streets. I stepped into a small boutique, walking around the store, I finally found the dress that I was going to wear. It was a maroon dress that had a long split on the left that stopped around my mid-thigh. It had a low v-neck and it was backless. This was it! I told myself. I grabbed the dress from the rack and went to the tailor.

Prerna- Can I have this to fit me for tonight?

 I asked eagerly.

Staff- I can have it done now so you can take it back.

 She replied with a huge smile.

I quickly headed to the changing room. The tailor came in with pins to see what needed to be altered. They had to alter the waist and the bust area. The length of the dress was fine but because I was at least 2 sizes smaller, they had to alter all the specific areas to accentuate my figure.

I didn't really need to wait long for it to be prepared. I had enough time to change and prepare myself. Of course whilst waiting I went to search for the perfect shoes and accessories. I bought silver strappy footwear that were about 4 inches and diamond earrings that had floral designs. They were beautiful. I took a quick shower, bunned my hair up and slid the dress on. I applied my make up and used a dark maroon lipstick to go along with the dress. My eyeliner was done and for eyeshadow, I used a golden shade. When all was done, I slipped on my heels and my earrings. I let my hair fall nicely since they were naturally wavy. I gave myself one last look and nodded at the masterpiece.

I slowly made my way downstairs and as for my bag, I used a silver clutch. I was pretty excited. I waited in the living room for a while until Anurag arrived. We both got into the car and left, he was on phone call while I just stared out of the window. I started playing with the engagement ring on my hand. I twisted it around on my finger, trying to get the nervousness away.

Driver- We've arrived Mr Basu.

Anurag exited first. I slowly made my way to the other side of the car when Anurag took his hand out for me to take. I rested my left hand on his palm and he helped me out of the car. The reporters started snapping pictures and throwing questions. 

How is your honeymoon going Mr and Mrs Basu? One of the reporters threw a question.

Anurag ignored the reporter and took hold of my left hand and rested it on his arm. We made our way up the steps and the doors opened for us to enter.

Anurag- Just stay close to me

Anurag whispered.

Anurag's POV

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