Taking him Down (Part 19)

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The three of them shared a group hug, glad that the problems were solved, cherishing their bond and living in the moment...little did Prerna know that the problems hadn't ended. In the background her phone beeped, the screen flashing Rishabh Bajaj's name...

Until we can understand the assumptions in which we are drenched we cannot know ourselves. And this drive to self-knowledge for woman, is more than a search for identity: it is part of her refusal of the self destructiveness of a male dominated society. A radical woman with feminism in her impulse would understand how we have been living, how we have been led to imagine ourselves and how we can begin to see — and therefore live — afresh.

Prerna nervously fiddled with her fingers as she sat on the park bench.

Anurag - relax

His voice rung through the Bluetooth speaker she had attached to her ear and his it with her hair.

Prerna - yes

She responded. This was her masterplan to take Naveen down. Anurag and Komolika were somewhere close by. She just had to get Naveen to confess. She relaxed a bit breathing out and in slowly, she made herself comfortable making the scene look completely natural.

She fished out her phone from the depths of her purse and pretended to be busy. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Naveen jogging towards her.


Prerna - so, this is the plan

She concluded, she had revealed to them the plan she had come up with, she knew both of them would say its risky and she should not do this but she had taken all safer measures, Anurag and Komolika would be near by and even the police would be in stand by, there is probably nothing that could go wrong

Flashback ends

Naveen's voice pulls her out of her thoughts,

Naveen- Prerna!

A tinge if surprise laced her voice

Naveen - fancy seeing you here

Prerna - waiting for someone

She replied rather bluntly.

Naveen - and let me Guess, the someone is komolika

Prerna looked at him surprised

His eyes darkened as fury overcame him.

Naveen - you look surprised, thought I would not come to know that you are the one who were behind breaking my marriage!! Clearly underestimated me haven't you Prerna

He charged at her. Long fingers closed around her throat like a cuff. Prerna wrapped both hands around his wrist, trying to stay his grip. She stared back into his flame-filled eyes, determined not to flinch.

She was not afraid. This man —this notorious man—was far more afraid than she would ever be. The sweat fell in steady trickles down either side of his face.

With his other hand, he reached into his pocket and took out a small pocket knife and placed the tip of the knife beside her chin.

And Prerna knew she could no longer stand idle. Knocking his arm aside, she rammed into his shoulder and made an attempt to flee.

With vicious precision, naveen seized her tight, taking her feet out from under her and slamming Prerna to the ground. All the air was knocked from her chest. She gasped once, the pain in her side searing as she struggled to catch her breath.

She heard her device crack and she knew she won't be able to communicate with Anurag anymore

For the first time, a cold wave of fear coursed down her back.

This old weasel of a man was stronger than she. He was tall and wily. And she could not fight him off forever. Nor could she reason with him.

But perhaps there was another way. A way of diversion and lies.

A surge of fury chased after the fear. Prerna gripped the wrist at her throat, digging her nails into his skin.

The indelible line had deepened to a chasm.

He was preying upon the basest of fears. A fear Prerna had long held in the darkest recesses of her mind.

Prerna - "What are you doing?"

She fought to keep her voice steady.

The two sides of Naveen battled for control as he glared down at her. He was so very afraid, blustering and shuddering through this hard-won triumph.

She would not lie here in silence as he warred with his convictions.

Prerna- "Are you going to rape me,"

She demanded,

Prerna- "or are you merely trying to frighten me with the thought? And what do you hope to achieve by such uninspired villainy?"

Naveen winced at her boldness. Her nerve at bringing his shameful intentions to light.

Prerna knew her taunts were foolish. Knew they might further provoke him. But she could not—would not—comply in the face of such cowardice.

Not while there was still breath left in her body.

For a moment, Naveen seemed to waver. Then he clenched his jaw, bracing himself above her. With surprising deftness, he unsheathed the knife and positioned the blade beside her face again. The feel of the cold steel against her skin did not frighten her. She clung to rage instead. She made a last determined attempt

Prerna- If you think your sister, mother or girlfriend would condone your actions in this moment, nothing I can do or say will matter.

She choked back the rising bile.

Prerna- But I can't imagine any girl with real love in her heart would ever approve of such a thing.

His hold on her neck flagged as his face fell to despair. Each of his features wilted into the next. In that instant, Prerna saw how much his family mattered to him. But it was no excuse. There would never be an excuse for this. Successful in achieving a distraction, Prerna now sought to disarm him.

Ever so cautiously, she shifted one hand from around his wrist. While Naveen contended with his inner demons, Prerna let her hand drop to search the ground for a potential weapon. A rock, a tumbler, a bowl, a stick, anything . . .

Her hand picked up a small rock enough to injure him. So she with force smashed it on his wrist as he pulled his hand back, releasing his grip from the knife, freeing Prerna in the process.

That very moment Anurag came towards them running, followed by Komolika and the police.

Anurag - I lost connection with you and came as soon as possible, are you okay??

His voice was laced with concern and Prerna wanted to reassure him but she only managed to nod still a little breathless. Anurag took her into a light hug as the police got a hold of Naveen. 

Holding her close, not wanting her to leave. an unknown feeling in his heart, the warning of a storm. 


Hope you enjoyed this update! Next update is gonna be super super long as it is the 20th part of this FF and it calls for an appreciation to all of you for being such amazing and supportive readers! 

Target Votes- 70

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