An Emotional Whirlwind (Part 18)

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Anurag- Breathe... and Relax. Don't be too bothered about this. Whatever will happen we will face it together. Whether or not Komolika calls off the wedding we will make sure she does not marry the wrong man.

Prerna gave him a half hearted smile as her mind wandered back to the same person...Rishabh. Her mind was clouded with thoughts of him. As a pair of eyes watched Prerna and Anurag before leaving the Cafe... those eyes belonged to Rishabh...Rishabh Bajaj.


As dawn broke the next morning Prerna stepped out of her warm shower. She had been up all night, her thoughts occupied by the events that occured yesterday. Not just Komolika but Rishabh as well. Her mind was struggling to sort out the current situation. She dressed her self, once done she stared at herself in the mirror and suddenly it struck her, a solution to her problems... well at least one problem. She stepped out to find a dressed Anurag.

Prerna- You used another washroom?

Anurag- I was getting late.

Prerna nodded. Anurag shoved his laptop into his bag.

Prerna- I need to talk to you

Anurag- Me too

Prerna- you first

Anurag- We have to meet Komolika... her decision is made

Prerna- good! I have an idea to get Naveen out of the way. 

Anurag- Good, fill us in when we reach  the cafe

Prerna nodded when suddenly  Prerna's phone beeped.  The screen flashed 'Rishabh Bajaj' as Prerna took in a sharp breath. 

Prerna- Anurag

He turned around and looked at her. 

Anurag- Yes 

Prerna- Umm...yesterday at the cafe I met someone...before you entered.

Anurag- Who?

Prerna- Rishabh Bajaj


Prerna and Anurag were sitting in a restaurant.

Anurag- So since we are playing this game, it is my chance to ask you a question. 

Prerna nodded and also giggled a little bit at his eagerness to ask the question. 

Anurag- How many relationships have you had before getting married to me?

Prerna- One

Anurag- With whom?

Prerna- Oh, oh hold your horses. It was one question. Now my chance

Anurag nods?

Prerna- How many relationships have you had?

Anurag- None!

Prerna raised her eyebrows in suspicion making Anurag chuckle. 

Anurag- No serious relationships just two casual flings

Prerna nodded taking a sip of her drink.

Anurag- Now my chance...with whom?

Prerna- Rishabh Bajaj

Anurag almost spilled his drink because of shock.

Anurag- Owner of Bajaj industries 

Prerna- Guilty as charged!

Flashback Ends

Anurag- Your ex?

Prerna nodded

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