Never going to give Up(Part 21)

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Her thoughts only made her cry more, she pulled her legs onto the seat as she hugged her knees. What had she done? She had betrayed Anurag's trust, she did not deserve him, she deserved none of the happiness he gave her. She failed him and his trust, and it was all her fault and only her fault...


Hi guys, I am not the original creator of the account. I am a friend of hers. I logged in after a long time and there were an overwhelming amount of notifications, it will take me some time to go through all of them. So please be patient. Unfortunately the original creator of the account will not be able to return due to unforeseen circumstances. She has had a lot going on for the past 8 months. I will try to continue the stories to the best of my ability and hope to receive the support you gave her! I also realise you guys must have forgotten the story so please take sometime to reread the previous chapters.

The door to the passenger seat opens as Rishabh sits in and closes the door. Prerna looks at him through the tears, and in a barely stable voice whispers

Prerna - leave

Rishabh sighs but does not move

Prerna- go, please go!

Rishabh- I am sorry Prerna. 

Prerna shakes her head in a negative as she sits back up. 

Prerna- Its not your fault, you didn't know. 

Rishabh opens his mouth to say something but then decides against it. His lips for a thin straight line as he looks at Prerna, no more sobbing but lost in thought. 

Rishabh- Are you happy?

The question takes Prerna by surprise as she is left staring at Rishabh. 

Rishabh- Does he treat you well? 

Prerna nods

Prerna- I love him Rishabh, and he loves me too. and... and I... I just betrayed him. 

Rishabh- You didn't Prerna

Prerna- Nothing will change the fact that I cheated Rishabh. Nothing. Look, I am sorry for the way things happened, I should have told you before and....

Rishabh- Prerna, it was not your fault. Now you take care and if you need anything don't hesitate to reach out to me. Okay? 

Prerna nods as Rishabh makes his way out of the car. Once she gained her composure she drove back home. 

Entering her room she found Anurag laying on the bed. He looks at her entering and smiles. Prerna returns the smile half heartedly and rushes into the washroom. She was sure she was looking like a wreck. The dim lighting in the room saved her but she needs to fix herself before going out again. Otherwise Anurag is sure to know something is wrong. 

She washes her face, and ties her hair up neatly but the red eyes still give it away. Prerna takes a deep and long breath before she steps outside. She has to be strong. 

As soon as she steps out Anurag pulls her towards the bed and she falls on top him. This results in her gasping. 

Prerna- Anurag !

He smiles at her coyly, grazing her cheeks with his fingers.

Anurag- How was your day?

Prerna- Good!

Anurags fingers travel down as they brush over her lips. He pulls her closer, as he leans in to kiss her only to be roughly pushed back. 

Anurag- Prerna? what happened?

Prerna gets up quickly as she takes a step away from him, her resolve weakening as she feels tears returning. 

Anurag too gets up

Anurag- Did I do something wrong

Prerna shakes her head in a negative vigorously but refuses to say anything or look him in the eye. Fresh tears roll down her cheeks and Anurag can't take it anymore. In one long stride he closes the distance between them and wipes her tears. He tips Prerna's chin up so she is looking at him.

Anurag- Prerna what happened?


Anurag- Prerna kuch to bolo. Rishabh ne kuch bola? Usne kuch kiya? Tell mne Prerna I will help

Prerna- I am sorry

Anurag- Sorry? Sorry kyu? Prerna you are scaring me. What has happened?

He reaches out to her but she takes a step back. Prerna now completely breaks down as she slumps to her knees. Here Anurag's heart has almost stopped. He kneels down beside Prerna and hugs her.

Anurag - shhh, it's okay 

Prerna- Nahi, I am so sorry Anurag. I am so so sorry. 

Anurag runs his hand through her hair trying to calm her down. Prerna pulls apart from him and places her hand on his cheek. 

Prerna- You know I love you right? I love you

Anurag holds her hand

Anurag - I love you too Prerna. Hua kya hai? Itna kyoon ro rahi ho? Mr Bajaj ne kuch kaha? Kuch kiya. 

Prerna goes silent 

Anurag- Aisa kuch hai to main usse nahi chodunga! Just tell me Prerna, I am always with you. 

Prerna - Woh, main, hum... we kissed

Anurag goes still he lets go of Prerna and stands up. Prerna too stands up. Anurag searches for her eyes and holds her gaze. 

Anurag - Did he force you? Did he force himself on you?

Anurags fingers curl into a fist as he waits for her answer. His heart wrenching at the thoughts of what might have happened.

Prerna - No! no, he... he is not like that. I... I was going to leave and then he kissed me and... and ... I got lost and I kissed him back. But...but then I pushed him away. Anurag I swear I didn't want to do anything like that but...

Anurag- but you did anyways. 

A silent Anurag finally speaks, his eyes are red and they flash pain in them. Prerna reaches out to touch him but he jerks her hand away. 

Prerna- Please.

Anurag- Don't!

And with that he storms out of the room banging the door on his way out. 

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