Forever Loved (Part 22)

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A silent Anurag finally speaks, his eyes are red and they flash pain in them. Prerna reaches out to touch him but he jerks her hand away.

Prerna- Please.

Anurag- Don't!

And with that he storms out of the room banging the door on his way out. 


Prerna flinches at the sound of the door banging close. As if drained of emotion and life she makes her way to the bed. Letting her body fall onto the bed. Her fingers curl at the hem of the cushion cover, tugging on it tight she lets her self fall into deep sleep. The crying had exhausted her, she needed an escape, she needed time and so she allowed herself to run. Run away from reality into a deep slumber. 

On the other hand a livid Anurag, furiously speeds away in his car. His knuckles turning with as a result of his furiously strong grip on the steering wheel. His mind keeps replaying the scene where Prerna opened up to him. This just pains him more, he always stayed away from 'love' and girls. He never let anyone close except for Komolika. When he got married to Prerna, it was against his wishes, but he was determined to make this marriage work. What had he done wrong? 

Was it his fault? Did he not love her enough? Anurag presses against the accelerator as the car catches speed. A lone tear trickles down his cheek which he quickly pushes away. He loves her, and even after this he cannot help but love her. His love for her is not weak, it is not fragile, it is strong and deep. It has to take more than a stupid kiss that was led by a surge of emotions. It has to take so much more. 

He knew she loved him. He saw the pain and guilt in her eyes as she confessed the events that went down this afternoon. All that mattered to her in the moment was his understanding, she made sure he knew that she loved him and only him. He knew for her to have confessed would have taken immense courage. But how could he forget what he heard. His mind couldn't remove the image it had created of Mr Bajaj and Prerna kissing. 

Anurag steers the wheel towards the right as the car takes a sharp turn before coming to a halt. Anurag gets out of the car and enters the villa. The door is opened by an old man, with a kind smile on his face. He guides Anurag into the house, through several corridors before leaving him outside a study room. He bows and then leaves. 

Anurag pushes the doors open, the sound making the man inside turn to face him. 

Man - Mr Basu, I was expecting you, please have a s...

The words don't make it out of his mouth, he was silenced with a punch from Anurag. 

Anurag - How dare you! Rishabh Bajaj! Tumhari himmat kaisi hui

Rishabh's hand immediately goes to the corner of his lips, that now have blood dripping from it. 

Anurag punches Rishabh again. 

Anurag- She is my wife. My wife damnit!

Rishabh pushes Anurag back

Rishabh- Look Mr Basu, I can understand. But I didn't know Prerna was married. Otherwise I never would have.

Anurag scoffs, with one long stride he holds Rishabh's shirt collar.  

Anurag- Agli baar, think hundred times before you even consider touching her. 

With a jerk he leaves Rishabh and walks out if the villa. Driving back to Basu mansion. His anger finally starts subsiding. The situation starts getting clearer by the minute and he knows what he is going to do next. 

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