Sparks amidst Chaos (Part 3)

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Anurag nodded as they made their way to the bed. They both took their sides and slept as soon as they hit the bed. It was the start of a new beautiful journey.


As the sun shined through the window her eyes fluttered open, she stretched out her arms and sat up on the bed. She looked at her bedside and saw the acceptance letter from her dream job office. She turned and faced a sleeping Anurag. Today was the mark of two new beginnings for her. Work life and married life. 

Prerna freshens up and comes outside only to see Anurag all ready for office.

Prerna- Good Morning! Did you use another washroom

Anurag- Morning, and yes I used another washroom otherwise I would be running late

Prerna nods and heads downstairs and wishes all the family members. They greet her back as she seats herself for breakfast. Anurag soon follows and seats himself beside her. After breakfast is over Anurag drops Prerna tp her workplace while he heads to his. Prerna enters the office and asks the receptionist for direction she indicates towards a cabin and Prerna heads there. 

Before entering Prerna takes a deep breath, straightens the creases of her dress and the knocks on the door.

Voice- Come in

Prerna enters the lavish cabin and stands in front of the desk. It is neat and tidy with a stack of piles to one side. A notebook and pen rested on the left and a laptop sat right at the center. A nameplate in front of the laptop read Naveen Mathur. 

Prerna clears her throat to gain his attention and he looks up. He stared right into her eyes and then scanned her body. She felt creepy and did not receive great vibes from him but she shrugged off the thought and kept her calm. 

Naveen- Ah you must be Ms. Prerna Sharma the new CA

Prerna nodded 

Prerna- Actually Mr Mathur I need to change my name on the application. It is now Mrs Prerna Basu

Naveen- Oh

He said with dissapointment evident on his face 

Naveen- No worries we will make the changes and please call me Naveen. You will be working under me. My secretary Tina will show you your cabin.

He stood up and extended his hand. 

Naveen- Welcome aboard Prerna 

Prerna extended her hand and they shook hands while shaking hands he caressed the back of her hand with his thumb she felt uncomfortable but thought of it as a friendly gesture and ignored it. She was the guided out by Tina who showed her around and made her comfortable. The day whizzed by as she spent her time getting to know her workplace and colleagues. She was just going through a document when her phone rang. 

Prerna- Hello

Anurag- Hi Prerna, it is me Anurag... Can you comeback home early I forgot to tell you but we have some rituals to complete so please.

Prerna- Okay... I will leave in half an hour

Anurag- No no, please leave now and use the shortcut, I have sent the car for you. I am so sorry and thanks... I have almost reached home... see ya there bye

He hung up before Prerna had time to reply she sighed packed her stuff up and left.

Upon reaching home Anurag asks his mom about Prerna. Mohini tells him that she left her office and is on her way back from Bharat Nagar street. Moloy shares that his friend just called and advised to avoid that area as riots have started there. Mohini switches on the TV as it will be showing on the news then. The news comes on and the family is shocked to see the news about the riots. 

Mohini asks Moloy to call Prerna but her number is unreachable. He tries again but all in vain. He finally decides to call the police in seek of help.

On the other hand Prerna's car suffers a puncture so she decides to walk the rest of the way as Bharat Nagar street is nearby and she could definitely be able to hail a cab from there. In a hurry her phone slips and is left back in the car as she starts her journey on foot. 

Anurag blames himself. Moloy tells him he dint know about it but Anurag keeps blaming himself. Only if he did not hurry her to come home she would not have to take the Bharat Nagar shortcut where the riots are. Moloy tries to calm him down and tells him to think what they will do next. Anurag agrees and announces

Anurag-  I risked her live by sending her there and now I only will bring her back. 

Mohini- No bacha  don't go it is not safe outside...but Prerna,  bhagvan please keep her save

Anurag- It is important to find Prerna right now. I assure you I will not sit peacefully till I bring Prerna back safely. This isn't just a promise to you but to myself too

Saying so he leaves while Mohini rushes towards the mandir in their house to pray for her children's wellbeing. 

Prerna is surprised as the streets are completely quiet. She does not know what to do so she tries to find her phone but couldn't. She suddenly hears some noise and notices lot many guys gathering there with some sticks. Someone pulls her inside a shop just in time. The guys rush to another side. Prerna heaves a sigh of relief. The person was a lady in her thirties . She notices few other people sitting there too. They look scared. Prerna asks the lady what's happening. The lady shares that rioters are fighting over religion for the first time in our area. This has never happened before. They fill her in saying communal riots are brewing in the colony. Prerna asks if she could borrow someones phone but they tell her that the police has jammed all the networks.

Here Anurag reaches the check point. However police does not let him go past it.

Prerna and those hiding inside the shop look at the situation outside. It was a mess things burning injured people running for protection. People with sticks and sword walking around chanting what they preach.

The kids start crying so Prerna pacifies them and suggests them to consider as hide and seek. 

Prerna- We aren't afraid. Just think it to be some game. We will win in the end. 

The women is also in tears by this time as she tell Prerna

Woman- This dint happen even during the time of partition. We have danced, played together and have been together through thick and thin. Can't believe it is the same Bharat Nagar!

Bang! The loud sound makes all of them jump as the rioters hit at the shop's gate.


That is all! Hope you all like the update please do vote and comment 

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