While it Lasts (Part 12)

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Author's POV

And as they slept in each others arms not inly their breath but their heart beats synced with each other. Their room was silent only their rhythmic heart beats made a sound. It was the calm before the storm.


Anurag's POV

I pulled the covers over my head scrunching my nose towards the window, the sunlight disturbing my sleep. Without opening my eyes and stretched my hands around the bed, searching for Prerna. Not finding her I finally gave up, fighting back the laziness I sat up yawning looking out of the window. There I saw her. She stood wearing silk pearl slip and black shorts sipping slowly on her cup of coffee.

The wind was strong making the sheer fly, her hair was pulled back in a messy bun, she turned around as the sheers fluttered and crashed against the window.

Prerna- Good morning

she said with her bright smile that can literally light up my day. She sat beside me on the bed as she switched on the TV and flicked through channel?

Prerna- What is the plan for today?

Anurag- Today is our day! Last day of the trip! So I have planned everything, a date, a little bit roaming around then there is a buisness party tonight and then early morning flight back home.

Prerna- Done! Now go get ready

I raised my eyebrows

Anurag- You go get ready first

Prerna- Stop being lazy, I am faster than you are

Anurag- Stop being a mom Prerna!

She passed me a sarcastic smile then rolled her eyes and finally huffed. God she looked so funny. I let out a little chuckle before stepping into the washroom.

Prerna's POV

I changed into black jeans, white top and a black baseball jacket. I chose black boots to go along with the look. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and grabbed my sunglasses. As I was searching for what bag to use, I ended up staring at the engagement ring. Life has changed so much, I was literally so upset with Papa when he told me he arranged my marriage. I hated it so much!

I slowly got down on the floor and continued staring at the ring. I wanted someone to propose to me like in the books I read. One knee on the floor, stars are the witness to that moment. Me smiling with tears in my eyes before saying yes yet here I am, pretending to be in love with him. I shook my head to quickly get those thoughts away. Though my wedding never started that way, I am starting to like Anurag. We have become great friends. I pushed the thoughts away. Grabbed my black bag and charged towards the door. Anurag who was already ready and waiting looked at me from head to toe before going up to the room. Is there something wrong with what I'm wearing? A few seconds after that, he came down wearing a grey baseball jacket. We were practically matching. He had a white top on, black joggers and the baseball jacket. He also grabbed his sunglasses and car keys.

I got into the car and we drove off.

Prerna- Where are we headed?

I asked him.

Anurag- To the beach.

After that we didn't talk. We fell into a comfortable silence. I looked out the window and he continued driving. The beach was about a 40 minute drive from where we were. When we reached the beach, there weren't really much people. It wasn't the usual summer crowd since it was the beginning of winter. I followed Anurag into a cafe that he told me he used to go to when he was a teenager. That was nice. He ordered black coffee for himself and camomile tea for me.

The drink was the perfect temperature. It wasn't too hot where it could scald your tongue. It was perfect. I enjoyed taking slow sips of my drink.

I looked out enjoying the view when Anurag moved his hand to reach out for mine.

Anurag- Your hand is cold

He pointed out.

Prerna- Yeah? They've always been like that. I always get cold fingers.

I told him.

He took my other hand and enveloped my hands in his in an effort to keep them warm. I smiled at his actions. We finished our drinks and left the cafe. Anurag held my hand and interlocked our fingers as we walked down the pavement, looking around since I've never been here. The warmth from his hand spread through my body and kept me warm from the autumn chill.

Prerna- Look at that!

I pointed to a pair of panda paw gloves. I took it and tried them on.

Prerna- Aren't they cute?

I asked him as I held my hands out for him to see the gloves.

Anurag- Do you know how old you are?

He asked me with raised eyebrows.

Prerna- Fine. If not these then the koala slippers.

I grabbed the pair of koala slippers that were my size before going to the counter. I paid for it and took the bag happily.

Anurag- Are you that happy about them

He asked as he grabbed my hand.

Prerna- Yes! I've always wanted these!

I exclaimed excitedly.

He shook his head and we continued our walk. We bought crepes and practically a lot of sweet stuff that I wanted. Well most of them I couldn't finish it so I shared with Anurag.

"Oh it's gelato!" I dragged Anurag to the store.

Anurag- No Prerna. You're not going to finish this one and you're just going to pass it to me.

Prerna- Stop being such a dad Anurag. You haven't even reached that age yet.

I replied sarcastically. Hinting him about his sarcastic comment earlier. I looked at him and first he had a frown which slowly disappeared and turned into a smile which melted away and there he was cracking up in laughter and I too joined him as I took money out from my purse and paid for the gelato.

It was amazing!

Prerna- Try some!

I practically shoved the plastic spoon into his mouth.

He glared at me for a few seconds before looking away. I could only laugh at his face when I shoved the spoon in his mouth. It was really epic.

I glanced at my watch as we walked around and about the streets.

Prerna- Anurag we must go the party is in some time.

He nodded, we went back into the car and drove off back to the hotel.


Thank you for being so patient! I know I have made you all wait a very very long time, but I was helpless had a very busy schedule.

Also my FF is #1 for 'ANUPRE'... It is a BIG BIG BIG ACHIEVEMENT!!!! I cannot thank you all enough. You all have been lovely readers. The next update will be long! I promise! It will also be up on time!

Hope you liked the update.

Target Votes- 50 

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