Differences Seeping In? (Part 6)

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Anurag is completely shocked while Prerna is no better shape. Anurag recovering quickly pulls Prerna close to him as her body crashes against his the car inches closer to them. Still unable to move due to utter shock Prerna squeezes her eyes shut when...


The car steers towards them as a lady pushes them and they fall. 

 Prerna landed on her back while Anurag landed on top of her. While the other lady fell beside them. Prerna opened her eyes to see Anurag on top of her. Anurag was about to get up when Prerna noticed her locket that was tangled with his button and exclaimed

Prerna- Wait!

Anurag looked at her confused and then realised why she asked him to stop. He started trying to untangle the locket with his button but it was not happening he was about to apply force when Prerna intervened.

Prerna- Don't Please. I don't want the locket to break it is really precious.

She managed to open the locket from her neck and they both got up. The locket was hanging on his shirt button so she started untangling it and finally it came out. She tried wearing it but failed that is when Anurag took the locket from her hand and stood behind her. He shifted her hair to one side while doing that his fingers brushed over her skin and feeling his touch Prerna shuddered slightly. Anurag made her wear the locket and the asked her...

Anurag- Are you okay? Did u hurt yourself?

Prerna- No I did not but you definitely did

She said pointing to a cut that had appeared on his neck. Before they could talk more the lady intervened. She immediately hugged Anurag leaving him and Prerna absolutely stunned. The hug broke when they hear screeching tyres of the car that had tried to run them over. The pulled Anurag and Prerna towards her car. 

Then the car that tried to run them over drove of and Anurag finally saw the ladies face. 

Anurag- Komolika!?

He immediately hugged her as she hugged him back. Prerna stood there bewildered. Anurag broke the hug and introduced the two. 

Anurag- Prerna this is Komolika my childhood friend and Komolika this is Prerna my wife.

Prerna extended her hand for a handshake but Komolika hugged her. Taken by surprise Prerna looks towards Anurag while he slightly smiles and nods his head. 

Komolika then drops the duo at the house promising to catch up tomorrow.

Anurag and Prerna return home and see whole family awake and waiting for them. Moloy scolds Anurag as to why did he take Prerna out at this time, she is unwell and needs rest. The servant said she came to their room with milk but did not find them. Moloy scolds Aryan more. 

Prerna says it is not Anurag mistake, she insisted him to take her out for ice cream and apologizes. Mohini speaks and says they should not have gone out. Anurag says it his mistake, he should not have taken Prerna. He tells them all the incident happened and how Komolika saved them. Mohini asks to elaborate. Prerna says Komolika saved them on time, so she invited her for lunch tomorrow.

Mohini gets very happy and says she did right (The family is also close to Komolika). Moloy asks Prerna to go and take rest and tell him if she needs milk shake, ice cream, etc.

 After reaching into their room they took turns to change and then Prerna got a first aid box. She made Anurag sit on the bed and she sat beside him. She applied ointment to his cut and he winced in pain. Noticing that Prerna blew slightly over the cut sending chills down Anurag's spine. Once she was done she kept the first aid box back in the drawer and went to bed. She soon dozed off and so did Anurag. 

Next day, Mohini prepares dishes for Komolika and asks Anurag what sweets Komolika likes. Anurag says she likes mishti doi sweets. Mohini then asks Anurag which sweet Prerna likes but he does not have an answer. That is when Prerna steps in and says she likes Rasgulla. 

Prerna feels bad that Anurag did not know her favorite sweet but knew Komolika's. She makes herself understand that she just got married to him while they are childhood friends. She drinks in the unshed tears and goes to take rest. 

While Anurag who had sensed disappointment in Prerna knew that somewhere she felt bad that he did not know her much. But she needs to understand I will take time to warm up to her. He thought about talking to her but then decided against it. 

On the other hand in a dark room we see a man standing under dim lighting glaring at a man who is wearing a mask. 

Man- Have you gone mad!? I wanted you to scare them and kill him, not her!

Mask man- Sorry sir I thought you wanted me to kill her.

Man- No, now go next time I do not want any mistakes. Is that understood?

Mask man meekly nods and then leaves while the man takes out the wedding photo of Prerna and Anurag. He tears is apart and lights Anurag's pic on fire and lets it fall on the ground while he caresses Prerna's pic.

Man- You are only mine Prerna. Only mine. 

He takes a step forward and his face is revealed to be....


That is it! Hope you enjoyed the update. A big thank you to all the voters and commenters. Please keep supporting me like that. 

Target Votes- 35

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