Coming Closer (Part 10)

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She winked and left from the pool room. She is going to pay for this prank of her. I smirked thinking about what will I do with her. She will be a gone case now. Then I remembered what she did right now. I shook my head and laughed at her.

Anurag: Idiot!!

I grinned and came out from the pool. My revenge is coming :)


Anurag's POV:

I came out of the pool to be welcomed by Prerna's screaming voice, I went towards the pool and saw her knocking on the door furiously. Oh yes!! I did take my revenge. I shut her in the pool area. After all she loves the pool too much. I grinned hearing her ever so colourful words for me.

Prerna:  Anurag this is not fair please open the door. 

Not getting any response she continued

Prerna: Idiot!!  

She muttered but I heard it

Prerna- Open the damn door Anurag!!!

She is really a spitfire. And I know if someone else would have been in her place, then I will kill that person. But she seems amusing. God knows what's wrong with my mind.

Anurag: You are strong, do it yourself wifey. I don't feel like opening it.

I said smirking at her and she narrowed her eyes at me. I can clearly see her expressions for the door is made of glass. She is shouting from the little hole in the door because of the design of the door.

Prerna: I am freezing here.

She shouted glaring at me. Of course she would be freezing there. That area has no heating and because of water that area became chilly. And my idiot wife is just in her swimming suit with a robe covering it. It has to be chilly there.

Anurag: But you said you were hot. Remember??

I said to her winking and I laughed looking at her angry face. She is looking like a cartoon.

Prerna: I didn't mean it literally!!!

She shouted gritting her teeth. I know she didn't mean it literally, but she didn't have to tease me like that. Now she has to pay. No one dares to cross Anurag Basu.

Anurag: But I asked you seriously.

I said to her in an innocent tone. She took a deep breath trying to control herself.

Prerna: Now you know the truth, open the door.

She said smiling slightly. Okay!! Now she is trying to make me agree by sweet talks?? Really??

Anurag: Okay but how will I do it??

I said to her with a frown remembering all the names she called me just some time ago. She can't just insult me like that.

Prerna: Means??

She asked looking at me confused. I tried to control my smirk.

Anurag: Means I am an idiot right??

I said to her acting as if I am trying to remember what she said. She glared at me angrily.

Prerna : Anurag!! Please open the door.

She said looking at me somewhat pleading. Oh no!! She can't just pull a cute face with me.

Anurag: I am feeling sleepy. Good night wifey.

I said to her with a yawn and went from there towards the bedroom. I heard Prerna's muffled voice. But I know she is shouting in her full voice.


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