A step forwards (Part 24)

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Prerna - Just know Anurag, I love you, now and forever.

The last thing he saw was the sincerity in her eyes and the hint of a smile playing on her lips. Then, without replying Anurag switched the lights off, his shadow retreating. As he left the room was shoved into darkness. The once bright illuminated place was silent, pitch black and she was alone surrounded by nothing but darkness to comfort her sorrows and heal her wounds.


Prerna opened her eyes, scrunching her nose in the process. The sun was bright as the light shined through the curtains, disturbing her slumber. She turned to her left to see Anurag laying down beside her. His eyes settled on her face. 

Prerna - What are you looking at? 

She questioned him

Anurag - Your beautiful face!

He replied, without missing a beat. Prerna chuckled at his cheeky remark

Prerna - So cheesy 

Anurag made a puppy face 

Prerna - and so irritating 

Anurag widened his eyes further as Prerna surpressed her laughter. 

Prerna - But mine 

Anurag's lips broke into a smile, his hands wrapped around her pulling her close to him. His warmth making her melt him to him. 

Anurag - And you are mine 

She shifted closer, leaving no space in between. He tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear as his thumb grazed her cheek. 

Anurag - I love you Mrs Basu 

Prerna  - I love you too Mr Basu 

The shrill voice of the alarm cut through the romantic moment, blaring louder by the second. Prerna opened her eyes slowly, shutting of the alarm. If she did not get up now she was going to be late. As sweet the dream was, the reality was 10 times more bitter. 

Sighing a sad sigh Prerna got off the bed, but her eyes never left the empty space. How she wished Anurag was next to her. She is going to get him back. With her resolve stronger than ever she mad her way to the bathroom. 


Prerna was never a very patient person, she absolutely hated waiting. She slid the heel of her palms against her dress as she waited for the receptionist to get back to her. As per Anurag's recommendation Prerna had come earlier than required. Waiting alone in the waiting room with the receptionist gone to check if Mr Das was ready to see her only fuelled her anxiety. 

Receptionist - Ma'am Mr Das is ready to see you 

The sweet voice put an end to her misery as Prerna made her way to his cabin, not before passing a kind smile to the receptionist. 

Prerna knocked the glass door lightly

Mr Das - Come in 

Came a kind voice, with a deep breath Prerna stepped in. Mr Das was a man in his late 50's, the corner of his eyes heavily wrinkled when he smiled, the grey of his hair visible only at the roots was a good sign of his experience. 

Mr Das- Ms Mukherji! 

he exclaimed a little too animatedly 

Das- Please have a seat 

he extended his hand for a shake and Prerna did so. Prerna made herself comfortable on the brown leather couch. 

Prerna - Please call me Prerna, Mr Das 

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