Closing the Distance (Part 14)

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Prerna- is it possible to push our flight tickets to A day later? So instead of flying out in a few hours we fly out a day later?

Other side....

Prerna- Great! Thank you


Authors POV

She cut the call and turned around to see a sleeping Anurag, peaceful in his slumber, his face innocent like a child. She took careful steps back to the bed and seated herself beside his sleeping figure. She touched his cheek where she placed a kiss, her hands then made its way to his hair where they gently caressed him. 

She did not know if what he said was true, he was tipsy after all...but in the corner of her heart the hope lay ignited, where it wished and longed that the words were true. In her life she had only one serious affair before her marriage, nothing too tragic happened that they broke off. They both were in love or at least that is what they both believed.

It was her first heart break soon after which she was married to Anurag and she could never be more thankful to god and her destiny that she was married to Anurag. He was sweet, caring, slightly short tempered but his heart was pure. She sometimes saw glimpses of her ex in Anurag. 

Her ex was a nice guy, they did have a slight age difference but not much. He was also of the same status so her parents never objected. Though it was love at first sight for him, it took her a month to realise her emotions, but why is she remembering this? The first time she kissed her ex was when she was drunk and the first time (for her cause she does not remember the night she was cold) she kissed her husband was when he was tipsy. 

Sometimes she cannot believe such instances are coincidences. She smiles to herself as she fiddles with her fingers. She does not know how to react in the morning but then she reassures herself that she will manage the situation. Just like her boyfriend had...Rishabh Bajaj had.

She looked at Anurag and before she went to sleep she prayed for one simple thing, he remembers this night. 

Anurag's POV

I scrunched my nose as the light made way into the room, shifted and stretched as my eyes finally opened to an unfamiliar surrounding. Prerna was cradled in my arms and my head was going through a pounding headache. Drinking is definitely not my cup of tea!

I shifted to my hands to my head, in a vain attempt to massage it. I tried thinking how I got here, at first it was a haze of memories a few flashes here and there and then... the whole night became clear and as it did a gush of embarrassment an nervousness filled me. 

I wanted to run away before she woke up but I had to face the situation, if not now for sure in a few hours. I had to face her after all whatever I said was not wrong. It was true...sometimes a little bit of alcohol gives you the courage to speak your heart out.

I pulled her closer relishing the moment while it lasted, otherwise god knows how she will react when she wakes up. All I could wish for was a positive reaction.

Prerna's POV

I opened my eyes only to find myself in Anurag's arms, his coal eyes searched for mine and they finally met. It was like in that moment all the unsaid words were said and all that had to be said were understood. 

I did not want to let go, I only wanted to snuggle closer but he held the eye contact, trying to read me and then his lips slowly curved into a smile and I realised just how predictable I was. 

The atmosphere was calm an peaceful, it only felt like early morning, the room was cool...a pleasant one. It felt like everything was indicating this to be the right chance...the right moment.

Authors POV

Not finding it necessary to break the silence she wrapped her hands around him as he dipped his head. His lips lingering over hers. Sharing the same breath he pulled her closer and his lips touched hers and they both knew there was no going back. 

The kiss deepened and their souls leapt out to each other, their desires burst open and it was a time full of love. 

Anurag being so close to Prerna felt like everything she'd ever loved about being young and free. The scent of sand and salt on his skin; the wild feeling of falling and knowing someone would always be there to catch her or, at the very least, tend to her wounds; the newness of all things.

and she had never felt more solid, certain, safe.

Prerna's POV

It was one of those world-expanding kisses that I'd put against any other kiss that has happened and will ever happen to anyone anywhere. It's as if he's breathing for me, or maybe we're breathing for each other, and I'm merging into him and him into me, so that my limbs aren't limbs, and the bones melt away and then the muscle and the skin until all that's left is electricity. 

The hazy-gray, early-morning sky morphs into the night sky, and stars are everywhere, so close I feel I could really collect them and take them home, maybe wear them in my hair.

I don't know who pulls away first, maybe him, maybe me. But then we're lying, with our foreheads touching and us sharing the same breath...nothing has ever felt more right. 

Eventually, our heads right themselves, our eyes move up and find each other, and I don't have to wonder what I look like to him, because I can see me there, in the reflection of his pupils, as if he really has stored me away and is carrying me around with him.

Prerna- It's kind of crazy you know, me being with you

Anurag's POV

Anurag- I know

and then realising what she said

Anurag- WAIT! WHAT??

She covers her mouth as she laughs, her eyes are shining and I'm thinking about a field of grass on a summer day. I'm thinking about the sun and being warmed from the inside and being warmed from the outside.

I take her hand under the greyish blue sky and I'm home.


So sorry for the late update and a big thanks for the patience but the real world has taken a toll on me and I am running very very busy. 

Anyways hope you liked the update!

Target votes- 60

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