Sweet Memories (Part 25)

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Monica - Guys I want you to meet your new head of department and my replacement, Prerna Mukherji!

And with this statement the colour drained from the faces of the 5 friends.


I was not going to update because target votes have not been accomplished. However  genuinely requested for an update and the update was ready so just this once I am updating before the completion of target votes. The next update will only be done after the necessary votes have been achieved! 

Prerna wanted to laugh seeing the horror on their faces but said nothing. She would save the teasing for later. 

Monica - Prerna come I will show you your cabin 

Prerna nodded and followed, barely being able to hide her laughter anymore. 

Prerna- Monica, may I ask you something?

Monica - Of course Prerna, anything!

Prerna - I noticed you and Mr Das both address Mr Basu by his first name, why so? 

Monica smiled, She opened a small drawer, taking out a neatly wrapped purple box. 

Prerna - Yeh kya hai? 

Monica - Gift, tumhare liye?

Prerna - Mere liye!?

Monica nodded 

Monica - Open it and tell me how you like it

Prerna carefully unties the blue ribbon, and undoes the purple packaging. Sliding the box open she notices a red dupatta, recognition flashes across her face as she picks up the dupatta in her hands. She clutches the soft fabric tighter staring at Monica in disbelief 

Prerna - How?


Prerna sunk into the couch with her 4th cup of coffee. Her phone clutched in her hand, her eyes on the clock. It was 1 in the morning, Anurag was stuck in a meeting with foreign investors and Prerna was home alone. She was going to murder this man!

She had been waiting for him since 4 hours! Who makes their wife wait for FOUR hours!? Anurag had promised her dinner at his favourite restaurant. He was supposed to pick her up at 9 pm, she had gotten ready and was waiting for him when she received his message that he will be late. 

Prerna's stomach grumbled demanding food but all it got was coffee. Prerna did not have the energy, will or talent to cook. Her stomach would have to do with coffee for tonight. 

The click of her door interrupted her dwelling session. Anurag had barely stepped into the house when he was smacked in the face by a pillow. 

Anurag looked baffled at the sudden attack, when he finally saw a furious Prerna on the couch, and he knew he was dead. Swallowing the lump in his throat Anurag decided to play innocent. 

Anurag - Owww! 

he said rubbing where the pillow hit

Anurag - What was that for?

Prerna - REALLY ANURAG!? Is that the best you have

With that Prerna hurled two more pillows at him, both of which he skill fully dodged making his way near her. Prerna reached for another pillow to attack with but was disappointed to find none. Resorting to her red dupatta, she rolled it into a ball and threw it at Anurag. 


Prerna yelled as she threw the dupatta at him, Anurag caught the dupatta as Prerna got up to leave. 

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