The Brewing Storm (Part 15)

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She covers her mouth as she laughs, her eyes are shining and I'm thinking about a field of grass on a summer day. I'm thinking about the sun and being warmed from the inside and being warmed from the outside.

I take her hand under the greyish blue sky and I'm home.


Do read the authors note...Very Important!

Author's POV

She felt the warm humid air embrace her as she stepped out of the car. No matter where she went in the world there will be no place like home. Anurag slipped his hand around hers as she briefly glanced at him before they walked inside the Basu house, their hands entwined.

The atmosphere was cheery, Moloy and Mohini hugged the duo as soon as they entered. Komolika was also surprisingly home and engulfed them in a warm embrace before naughtily whispering in Prerna's ears.

Komolika- Before leaving dono ke beech 2 feet ka gap tha aur ab aaye ho toh haath main haath daalkar.

Prerna stared at Komolika before leaving Anurag's hand and blushing profusely.

Mohini- Tum dono jao fresh ho jao khaana ek ghante main lag jaayega

They both nodded and left for their room followed by Komolika.

Komolika- I was waiting for the two of you since 2 hours. I have something to tell both of you. Something very important.

She said as she flung herself onto the bed before neatly adjusting her skirt and seating herself neatly on the bed. Prerna plopped herself on one side of her and Anurag sat on the other side of Komolika.

Prerna- Bolo! I am eager to know

Komolika looked down and blushed slightly.

Anurag- Oh my my Komo aur blushing! Nykaa waale attitude ko kya hua

Komolika playfully hit his shoulder as Prerna burst into laughter.

Prerna- Ab usse tung mat karo. I am curious. Komo tell me!

Komolika- I am getting married!

Prerna and Anurag stood shocked

Komolika- Guys!? Kuch toh bolo! Say something!

Retrieving from the shock they both hugged her, sandwiching the poor girl in between them. She coughed profusely at the intensity of the hug

Komolika- Guys...I...cant bre...breathe

They left her immediately bombarding her with questions.

Anurag- Kab? Kaise? Pehle kyun nahi bataaya?

Prerna- Kyun? Kisse? Who is the unlucky guy?

Komolika- Slow, slow I will tell you everything. Yesterday only shaadi ki date fix hui. Ghar rishta ayaa tha aur ma, baba ne haa kardi. You all are the first friends to know. Why am I getting married because I like the guy mujhe pasand hai woh. Aur woh koyi unlucky nahi hai balki bahut lucky hai!

She said while crossing her arms and making a baby like pout.

Prerna- Awww

Anurag- Look at her! She is blushing

Prerna smiled and then pulled Komolika's cheeks.

Prerna- Shareer se toh badi hogayi lekin mann se abhi bhi bacchhi.

Anurag pulled Komolika's other cheek and nodded. Annoying Komolika further.

Komolika- What is this?? I am supposed to gang up with one of you against the other, you both cant gang up against me! This is not how it works.

Prerna and Anurag burst into laughter this innocent soul could not be cuter.

Anurag- Acha thik hai, nahi karte tung. Tell me who us the guy?

Komolika smiled and her eyes turned dreamy.

Komolika- slightly older than me but at heart a young and free spirited person, slightly old fashioned but clean at heart. 

Prerna- I want to see a photo of the person!

Komolika- Arey! It is my wedding and you seem more excited. Okay hold on I will show you a pic

She grabbed her phone from the desk and scrolled through her phone. Upon not finding the picture she pouted. 

Komolika- I can't find it now but I will surely send it to you! Listen I will have to leave now

Before the duo could stop her Komolika gave a quick peck on Prerna's cheek and dashed out the door. Leaving the duo in laughter. They never thought they would see a blushing Komolika. It was so great to see her that happy. 

They were disturbed by a beep on Prerna's phone, She opened her messages to see Komolika has sent her something. 

I finally found the picture!!  it read

Prerna scrolled down to see the picture and literally it scared the daylights out of her. Her phone fell out of her hands and on the bed. 

Seeing her scared Anurag looked at her concerned. 

Anurag- Prerna what happened?

He shifted closer and hugged her

Anurag- What happened Prerna?

He asked again while caressing her hair

Prerna- Ko..Komolika's groom

She said almost in sobs. Anurag nodded, prompting her to continue

Prerna- Mathur


Hi readers! Unfortunately the actual owner of this account who gave you all wonderful updates met with an accident! She is in the hospital right now, nothing too major thankfully.

I am her friend. I will be taking over the due updates for about a week or two. She has been advised complete rest but she has given me a complete briefing and I will be carrying out the updates. 

But I am not a very good writer so please excuse me for my not so excellent updates. Please wish her a speedy recovery!

Target votes: 60

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