You belong with me (Part 11)

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I shook my head and looked up to see Anurag's face really close to me. I gulped feeling nervous. Sometimes I feel as if he is too good to be true. I mean who looks so cute yet so dangerous at the same time? I bring my hands down from his shoulder only to feel his muscles. Freak!! He is not wearing his shirt. What the hell!! What happened last night??

Prerna: ANURAG!!


I shouted panicked and he got up startled.

Anurag: What's happened?  You okay?

 I nodded, looking at him dumbfounded. He is sitting in front of me shirtless. I felt panic rising in my heart. Don't tell me something happened yesterday and I didn't even remember.

Anurag: What??

Prerna: N..nothing 

I stuttered, He looked at me with blank face for some time.

Anurag: You don't remember??

He asked looking at me tensed. Of course I don't remember. That's why I am asking him. Can't he understand?? But why is he looking so sad suddenly?? What had happened last night?? I am totally blank right now.

Anurag: Prerna!! How can you forget whatever happened between us last night?? Tell me you are joking right??

He said looking at me with a panicked face. No!! No!! How can it happen?? No!! I should have remembered about it. I can't just forget if something happened between me and Anurag. Then why is Anurag looking so worried and upset??

Prerna: I...don't remember anything.

I said to him and he looked at me stunned. Then he looked down sadly as if I have broken his heart. I felt my breath rising and my eyes filling with tears. How can this happen??

Prerna: What happened last night??

I asked him looking down trying not to look into his eyes. Last night must have been special for him and I have hurt him.

Anurag: You were cold last night.

He said shrugging as if its the answer to my question. What the!! If I was cold then why did he removed his shirt??

Prerna: So??

I asked him raising my eyebrows.

Anurag: I have to give you my body warmth.

He said shrugging and wore his shirt and passed my robe to me. I should thank him. I know I could have died.

Prerna: Thanks

I said trying to drop the topic. He nodded and walked onto the bathroom leaving me in my own dilemma. I sat there trying to arrange my thoughts, coming to no conclusion I decided to get ready as well. I did not want to spoil this trip. 

The breakfast was silent and it was killing me inside, why couldn't we go back to the same fun duo that we were in the pool? Why? 

I snapped out of my thoughts with his voice

Anurag- Let's go

I looked up from my bowl of cereal that I was playing with. I searched his face, but nothing, no trace of sadness, hurt or anger anymore. How can somebody so good at masking what they feel? If only I could remember. 

Prerna- Go? go where?

Anurag- I have a small meeting and then we can explore after all that is what we are her for 

he said smiling, I returned it with a weak smile and a soft nod. 

Anurag- Come on

he said trying to lighten up the mood. I stood up and we left 

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