Differences and a Surprise (Part 8)

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Prerna nodded. After dinner both of them left. Anurag dropped Prerna at the cafe and left for the meeting.


What he saw made him shake with anger. His eyes were blood shot red and his hands clenched into a fist. Oh how correct he was about girls.


What he saw made him shake with anger. His eyes were blood shot red and his hands clenched into a fist. Oh how correct he was about girls. It was his fault he gave her a chance. Yes, they were not in love but they had become friends and even in friendship mutual trust is very important, and that is exactly what she tarnished. 

He clenched his fist tighter, his nails digging into his palms, his knuckles going white and his face steaming in anger. Prerna stepped out of the cafe and found a fuming Anurag standing there. Without a word he walked into the car and so did Prerna.

The ride home was awkwardly silent. Prerna was stealing glances of Anurag every once in a while, confused at what had him so enraged. Little did she know it was her. 

As the car pulled up at the gate Anurag got of and opened the door for Prerna as well, and before she could even get off he curled his fingers around her wrist and helped well rather pulled her out. Surprised Prerna just stood at the gate but Anurag did not want a scene there so he subtly and gently dragged her to their room. 

He opened the room door and stepped inside with Prerna and then shut the door behind them. 

Prerna- What happened Anurag? You seem...rather angry

Anurag- You are asking me what happened? Wouldn't you rather ask yourself?

Sarcasm dripped from every word the darkness that over shadowed his eyes sent a shiver down Prerna's spine. 

Prerna- Anurag, I really don't know what you are talk...

Before she could finish her sentence Anurag pinned her to the wall his hold strong on her shoulders. 

Prerna- Anurag leave me!

Anurag- Not till you admit

Prerna- Admit what!?

Prerna was struggling to get out of his hold when his words reached her ears. Her body went still and unexpectedly cold. Her struggling ceased and all she could do was stare at Anurag shocked.

Anurag- Admit that you cheated!

Prerna was struggling to find words, how could he even accuse her of something like that? and on what basis? 

Anurag- I know we were not in love but we decided to be friends and make this marriage work, you could have told me you love someone else, I could have helped you. You should have respected the trust between us Prerna. 

Prerna finally overcoming the shock mustered courage and energy and pushed Anurag back. 

Prerna- How dare you accuse me of cheating on you! That to without any prove!

Anurag let out a lopsided

Anurag- I saw you in the cafe, hugging that guy, and it did not stop there you even kissed him

Prerna- On the cheek!!!!! God damn it!!! I went in the cafe to meet my friend who had come to India after a long time. She had to rush back to the hotel for some work when I saw my cousin...Cousin Brother there.

She emphasised on the word brother and shame overtook Anurag. His stupid impulsive behaviour. 

Prerna- And you were talking about trust na!? Where is the trust then? You could have nicely talked to me about it right? Instead of cornering me.  

Anurag- I am really sor...

Prerna held up her hand to stop him. 

Prerna- Enough Anurag. 

She walked into the bathroom leaving a guilty Anurag who was mentally smacking himself for the ever so stupid behaviour. He had to make it up to her. Some way or the other. 

After some time when Prerna stepped out of the bathroom she did not find Anurag anywhere in the room. She sighed to herself and walked towards the bed. She opened her phone scrolling through the chats but her mind was pondering over the incident that had taken place. 

Maybe she should have just forgiven him, I mean they recently had become friends and expecting such a great level of trust was not right. They and their relationship needed time to build that comfort and trust. 

She out her phone down and was about to switch of teh lights when something caught her eyes. At the foot of the bed lay a big envelope. She reached for it and then tore it open. Fell from in there flight tickets to Goa. 

Surprised she looked up to see Anurag standing there holding his ears. Oh my gooooodddd how can someone look so cute.

Prerna- Forgiven 

She said as she laughed. Anurag looked at her admiring every bit. She was so majestic. Her laugh mesmerising, her eyes so deep and intoxicating. He couldn't lift his eyes from her. Seeing Anurag stare at her so intently she stopped short in her laughter fit. 

She raised her eyebrow as he simply shook his head in a negative. 

Anurag- See we haven't had a honeymoon also, for the family it will be our honeymoon and for us we will get a chance to know and understand each other better. 

Prerna nodded. And then something striked her. She had to ask her office for leave but Naveen Mathur...will he give her a leave? He had too she decided and if he did not she is leaving. 

Prerna opened her laptop and quickly typed the email and sent it to Naveen Mathur, as if instantly a mail popped up with approval. Surprised and happy Prerna went to sleep and so did Anurag. 

They both awaited the adventure they would encounter during the honeymoon. 


I found a collab writer! The story will be out soon and I will definitely let all of you know when it is out. To whoever wanted to write a collab with me but could not respond soon enough, let me know and we can work out another story to work together on. I am always open to collab writing opportunities. Feel free to inbox me!

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter, please do vote and comment.

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