The Bitter Truth (Part 17)

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Prerna- Do you trust me?

Komolika- What kind of question is this?

Prerna- It is a straight forward question, just answer me

Komolika- Yes, of course, but why are you asking me this?

Prerna- Because i need you to trust me on whatever I am going to tell you next

Komolika nodded



Prerna twisted the door knob as she stepped out of the room. Anurag immediately stood up from the chair and looked at her with expectations in his eyes and worry written all over his face. However Prerna neither said anything or hinted anything. 

Komolika followed Prerna outside and descended the stairs back to the function without a glance at the duo. Anurag was about to ask Prerna something but Prerna beat him to it. 

Prerna- Not now Anurag, in the car

Anurag silently obeyed, his nervousness increasing as they made their way out and into the car. Anurag was getting anxious with every passing second. The curiosity was killing him inside. As soon as he started driving back, he could not hold the question in him any longer within himself and asked Prerna. 

Anurag- Prerna what happened inside? 

Prerna just sighed. 

Anurag- Did she go ballistic and refuse to believe us? 

Prerna nodded negatively and suddenly the hope within Anurag ignited and a hint of excitement laced his voice.

Anurag- So she believed us and is calling the wedding off

However the excitement was short lived for him as Prerna yet again nodded negatively. 

Anurag- Then what happened inside? how did she react? 

Prerna- Her reaction was different, it stunned me, we had anticipated and prepared ourselves for all kinds of reactions but this...

Anurag- What happened?

Prerna sighed a deep and long one, her mind clearly torn.

Prerna- So...


Prerna- I worked in a clinic as I am a doctor. I normally go to the office, but since they were short of staff in the clinic they sent me there. I worked under him.

Komolika- Him who?

Prerna- Naveen Mathur...

Komolika nodded indicating Prerna to continue further

Prerna- When I was there he did not exactly behave like my boss

Komolika- Prerna you have already done a lot of beating around the bush, if you do not get straight to the point in the next minute I am leaving. 

Prerna- do I say this nicely


Prerna- He attempted to molest me

Komolika- WHAT!?

Prerna nodded and went on to narrate the whole incident. (Incase you do not remember refer back to Part 7)

Komolika takes a deep breath

Prerna- I know this is a lot for you, but I had to tell you before you ruin your life by marrying a man like that. You deserve someone so much better

Komolika- Prerna I completely trust you, and I understand where you are coming from. I do not doubt your story and I know you will not wish ill for me. But the way I trust you I trust Naveen as well. There are always to sides to the story and I cannot take a decision till I don't hear him out. 

Prerna was stumped and nodded as Komolika's words sunk in

Komolika- I am meeting him tomorrow, if he fails to justify himself or prove his innocence I will call of the wedding. I promise. However now I need to be back at the function. 

Prerna stood up in a slight bit of daze and exited the room. 

Flashback ends

Prerna- She acted so mature, it is out of her usual self. Her response was so thought through, so calm. Not positive or negative. But I am scared Anurag. What if he talks her into the marriage? What will we do Anurag?? I can't let her marry that man

Anurag- Calm down Prerna, we have done what we can as of now, it is up to her to take the decision after that we will think about our next steps. For now just pray she understands what we are saying. 

Prerna nods, still uneasy.  Anurag holds her hand in his as he pulls the car in front of the Basu mansion. 

Anurag- Ghar ya Coffee

Prerna- Coffee please!

He nods his head as they drive to a close by coffee shop. Prerna orders two cups of coffee while Anurag parks the car. She turns around to look for a table when she collides into somebody. Because of the impact she loses her balance and is about fall when two arms wrap around her waist to secure her. 

In a haste she too holds the collar of the person to steady herself. As the moment fades and reality encircles Prerna she opens her eyes that she had closed in the fright of falling. 

Seeing the person who saved her Prerna is utterly surprised...or rather shocked would be an apt word. The same expressions are reciprocated on the person holding her as her name escapes his lips.

Man- Prerna?

Prerna- Rishabh...

She responds, his name sounding awfully familiar and right on her lips. 

He steadies her on her feet and loosens his hold as she steps back. 

Prerna- You here?

An awkward silence fills the air as her mind scrambles for words. 

Prerna- I mean back in India? 

Rishabh- Flew in last week! What about you?... I mean how are you doing?

Prerna- Good...

Silence fills the gap between the two as their eyes do the talking. A whirlwind of emotions submerging both of them. 

Rishabh- I will catch you later?

Prerna nodded as they parted ways. 

Prerna picked up the coffees and sat on the table when Anurag came and joined her. 

Anurag took a sip of his coffee when he noticed Prerna in a bit of a daze. He placed hi cup back down as he took her hands in his. His thumb gently stroking the back of her palm.

Anurag- Breathe... and Relax. Don't be too bothered about this. Whatever will happen we will face it together. Whether or not Komolika calls off the wedding we will make sure she does not marry the wrong man. 

Prerna gave him a half hearted smile as her mind wandered back to the same person...Rishabh. Her mind was clouded with thoughts of him. As a pair of eyes watched Prerna and Anurag before leaving the Cafe... those eyes belonged to Rishabh...Rishabh Bajaj.


This is it for this chapter. Hope you all liked it! Please do vote!

Target Votes- 70

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